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摘要 高增益放大器的人工(或机械)改变运放的反馈电阻 关键词 可控放大器 滤波器 单级宽带放大器 Abstract Development of this amplifier is a controllable gain amplifier based on the AD603, to high-gain amplifier at the core of the system. The system has to filter the real-time detection and control functions, controllable power and control settings and so on. The controller can be widely applied to various areas of temperature control, such as industrial control of various industrial processes, power plants, thermal power plants, large central air-conditioning client, automated production lines, agricultural breeding, Wen shed, greenhouse, drying room, food Storage, temperature control, and other underground occasions. This paper first artificial (or mechanical) changes in operational amplifier feedback resistance were introduced to various control theory, the programme carried out a simple analysis and comparison; followed by users in accordance with the general requirements and technical indicators, from the engineering point of view, A hardware part of the design and selection, software design and analysis, and follow in the realization of a simple, economic, practical principles: and then described in detail the system used by the characteristics of the chip, principle, the application. In this paper, the final test, debug and practical application of the problems in error and the use of anti-jamming measures were analyzed and discussed. Key words: single-stage filter controllable amplifier broadband amplifiers 目录 第1章 绪论 6 第2章 设计方案的选择 8 2.1人工(或机械)改变运放的反馈电阻 2.2程控改变运放的反馈电阻或输入电阻 2.3程控衰减 第3章可变增益运算放大器原理介绍…………………...…………………… 13 3.1 AD603的原理框图 3.2 AD603的特性及应用领域 3.3 AD603管脚定义 3.4AD603频带宽度的确定 3.5 使用AD603时需要注意的若干问题路设计 17 4.1高增益放大器的设计 4.2单级宽带放大器的设计 21 致谢 22 参考文献 23 可控放大器设计 1.1 概述 近年来,业界一直在争论模拟功率控制和数字功率控制的优点对比。功率领域的新兴技术将不会单纯地划分为模拟式或数字式,而是包括二者的最优结合,是两种技术的相辅相成。无论人们对于模拟或数字控制的看法如何,在许多设计人员可能考虑使用模拟IC的领域中,预计将会出现更多的数字电路。从OEM厂商的角度来看,在更宽泛的负载范围实现更高的效率,是电源设计人员面临的最大问题之一。为了应对未来的效率挑战,采用混合控制模式硅技术的半导体产品将是必不可少的。 很显然,


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