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门童和行李员 Chapter Two 第二章 Doorman and Porter 门童和行李员 A Vocabulary(必备词库) Doorman 门童 welcome 欢迎 Trunk 汽车尾部的行李箱 baggage 行李 Reception 接待处 handle 处理 Slippery 光滑的 airport 机场 Entrance 入口 trip 旅行 Luggage 行李 air conditioner 空调 Suitcase 箱子 breakable 易碎的 Main 主要的 mind 小心 Taxi 出租汽车 taxi driver 出租汽车司要机 Western-style 西式的 immediately 立即,马上 Room facilities 房间设施 check in 登记入住 Check out 结账离店 porter 行李员 Spacious 宽敞的 at one’s service 为某人服务 Claim tag 行李提取票 revolving door旋转门 Freight elevator 货梯 service elevator服务人员专用电梯 Toll charge道路通行费 pressing service烫衣服务 B Typical sentences(精华短句) Doorman 门童 1 Good morning .Would you like a taxi? 早上好,您想叫出租车吗? 2 Good afternoon .Shall I call your car? 下午好,叫您的车可以吗? 3 Where are you going , sir? 打算去哪里,先生? 4 Would you like me to give directions to the driver? 要我给司机指路吗? 5 Shall I tell the driver your destination? 要我告诉司机您要去哪里吗? 6 It take about ten minutes by taxi 坐出租车大约需要10分钟。 7 It will cost you 26 yuan or so. 大约需要26元。 8 Taxi fare to the airport is about 120 yuan including the toll charge. 到机场的出租车费大约要120元,其它中包括道路通行费。 9 This card explains how to the Beijing Hotel. 这张卡片上说明了怎返回北京饭回。 10 If you are ready to return to hotel, please show this card to the taxi driver. 如果您准备饭店,请向司机出示这张卡片。 11 Just a moment, please. I’m sure a taxi will be available in a few minutes. 请稍等,过几分钟就会有出租车的。 12 I’m sorry taxi are few at this time at rainy nights. 对不起,下雨天的晚上的这个时候出租车少。 13 There’s parking space in the garage. 停车场有空位。 14 The garage is on the other side. Please turn right at that small road then at the bottom, turn right again and you cannot miss the entrance to the garage. 停车场在那边。请要那条小路上向右拐走到头。再向右拐,您就能看到停车场的入口。 15 Parking is free for guests of hotel 宾客免费停车。 16 It is limited to thirty minutes for p


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