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目 录 摘 要 0 Abstract 1 第一章 引言 2 第二章 研究对象与方法 3 2.1 研究对象 3 2.2 研究方法 3 第三章 对现代篮球比赛中进攻假动作分析 4 3.1 假动作的本质 4 3.2 进攻假动作特征 5 3.3 进攻假动作的心理因素 5 3.4 进攻假动作的运用 5 3.5 使用假动作的必要性和目的性 6 第四章 我国篮球运动员与外国篮球运动员运用假动作的对比 7 第五章 运用进攻假动作时的要求 8 5.1 要有及时正确的判断 8 5.2 要有明确的目的性 9 5.3 要注意保持身体的平衡 9 5.4 要掌握住动作的速度和节奏 9 5.5 要注意使假动作与真动作有机结合 9 5.6 假动作要形象逼真,使对手真假难辩 9 第六章 结论 10 参考文献 11 致 谢 12 摘 要 假动作贯穿于整个篮球运动的每一个环节中,无论攻防中的任何一项技、战术的动作规格、方向、路线、时间、节奏等具体的环节都与假动作相互交织,从进入篮球比赛场地的那一刻起,便无时无刻不充斥着假动作。攻防队员之间相互的假动作更是运动员斗智斗勇的集中表现,是衡量一个篮球运动员运动技能的最重要标志之一,也是篮球运动魅力的主要体现。随着攻防对抗程度的提高,篮球比赛中进攻的假动作已经成为广大教练员和运动员非常关注的问题。本文对篮球比赛中运动员运用进攻假动作的情况进行了分析.并结合第28届奥运会中中国男篮与其他队伍在比赛中运用进攻假动作的实际情况进行了对比,Abstract The feinting deception is run through in every link of moving in the whole basketball, no matter attack such concrete links as the movement specification , direction , route , time , rhythm of any skill , tactics while defending ,etc. and all weave into feinting deception , packed with the feinting deception all the time from that time to enter the basketball competition area . It is the concentrated expression that the athlete fights a battle of wits and courage even more to attack and defend the mutual feinting deception between the team members, it is one of the most important signs of weighing a basketballers technical performance, it is the main embodiment of the basketball movement glamour too. With the more fierce attack and defend , the artificial action of the attack in basketball match has becomes a focus of coaches and athletes .This paper analyzes the situation in which the athletes using the artificial action . Combine in the 28th Olympic Games the Chinese mens basketball and other teams use the actual conditions which attacked the feinting deception to carry on the contrast in the match. summarizes the requirements and function while using it in order to provide useful references for training and competing . Key words: basketball; the artificial action; put into use 第一章 引言 现代篮球比赛是在高强度、高速度、高超的个人技巧、与身高的拼搏下进行的,这不仅要求运动员


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