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The heaven of tourism How do you know about yunnan? Places of intrest Tobacco Mineral resources Climate Biological resources Culture Nations Special local product … … l Yunnan is located in the southeast of china .There are three neighbouring countries, Burma 缅甸 Laos 老挝 and Vietnam越南 .Four neighbouring provinces sichuan guizhou guangxi and Tibet . YN is a world of mountain, 94% of it is covered with hills and mountains .The geographical position is peculiar特殊 and the topography地形 is complex .So the climate is also complex and various. The climate is fairly mild in winter and rather cool in summer in most of the places. Topography and climate Location Good reputation The animal kingdom The plant kingdom The nonferrous metal有色金属 kingdom The Old Town of Lijiang Three Parallel Rivers三江并流 and Stone Forest have been listed in The UNESCOs World Culture Heritage catalogue . Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Location:15 kilometers north of lijiang city Sea leavel :5596 Ticket:190yuan 玉龙雪山以险、奇、美、秀著称于世,气势磅礴,玲珑秀丽,随着时令和阴晴的变化,有时云蒸霞蔚、玉龙时隐时现;有时碧空如水,群峰晶莹耀眼;有时云带束腰,云中雪峰皎洁,云下岗峦碧翠;有时霞光辉映,雪峰如披红纱,娇艳无比。 It is the southmost snow mountain in the northern hemisphere and it has not been conquered still now. The jade dragon snow mountain is the patron saint 保护神 “san duo ” for the local people .They hold the san duo festival every year. Because of the attractive beauty and mysterious tale, it attracts so many people . Stone Forest Located in the southeast of kunming and shaped 280 million years ago because of the water flow and atmospheric weathering .The acreage is 12 square kilometers ,some of the stones are 40–50 meters high, appear diffrent kinds of shapes.The story ashima was happened there. There is a brand of cigarette named stone forest . Three Parallel Rivers The three rivers are Chinsha River Lancang River and Nujiang River .It located in the northwest of YN which is the biggest landscape with a lot of nations living


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