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初中词汇 Vocabulary in Junior Middle School 一、词汇的重要性(importance) 二、词汇记忆方法(skills) 1. 谐音联想法 2. 外来词 3. 拆分法 4. 生活中学英语 5. 词根词缀法 6. 分类记忆 谐音联想法 boff [b?f] 狂笑 pest [pest] 害虫 beast [bi:st] 野兽 beauty and beast title [‘taitl] 标题 副标题 subtitile; subway 地铁 shampoo [??m‘pu:] 洗发水 外来词 (borrowed words) 英→汉:coffee 咖啡 Coca-Cola 可口可乐 hamburger 汉堡包 sandwich 三明治 salad 沙拉 pie 派 puff 泡芙 copy 拷贝 sofa 沙发 IQ=intelligence quotient UFO=Unidentified Flying Object miniskirt 迷你裙;超短裙 minibus 小型公共汽车 minicomputer 微型计算机 in fashion /out of fashion 汉→英:Kungfu 功夫 mah-jong 麻将 Tofu [t?ufu:] 豆腐 Long time no see! 拆分法 classmate class+mate n.同班同学 deskmate n.同桌 roommate n.室友 teammate n.队友 workmate n.同事 soulmate n.灵魂伴侣 生活中学英语 广告 Rejoice 高兴;欣喜 Head shoulders Lux LUX, super rich shine! luxury n.奢侈品 adj.奢华的 safeguard Pizza Hut PIZZA AND MORE! express export ex-:外;出去 exit 出口,通道 entrance 入口 port:港口 import 进口;airport 机场; passport n.护照,通行证; transport v.运输 n.transportation n.交通工具 词根词缀法 Impossible is nothing! Anything is possible! 否定前缀:im-;in-;ir-;il; un-; dis-; a- im-: impolite un-: unhappy dis-: disagree 否定后缀:-less -less: hopeless, homeless 分类记忆 Animals: cat dog rat cow ox fox elephant camel kangaroo goat sheep horse deer rabbit mouse wolf lion money panda bear tiger dinosaur dragon frog snake bird chick hen cock duck goose turkey pigeon parrot swan seagull eagle fish shark dolphin bee butterfly mosquito 七上 Unit 1 My name’s Gina Introduce yourself Greeting Name Sex Age Grade Family Telephone number Nice to meet you 国际音标 前元音 [i:][i] sheet shit sheep ship 辅音 [p][b] pig paper bird bat batman [t][d] turtle dog 八上 unit1 How often do you exercise? Surf the internet Watch TV Watch movie Go to KFC Eat junk food/chips/chocolate/hamburger Drink cola/coffee/milk/tea Go shopping Go travelling Have a party Always 100% Usually 80% Often 60% Sometimes 30% Hardly ever 5% Ne


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