【精选】GMAT SC句法结构例题分析雷哥GMAT.pdf

【精选】GMAT SC句法结构例题分析雷哥GMAT.pdf

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【精选】GMAT SC句法结构例题分析雷哥GMAT

GMAT SC句法结构及例题分析 句子结构这个考点是SC的基本考点。想要掌握好这个考点,必须学 会如何分析句子结构。 常见的句子主干有: S+Vi He smiles. S+Vt+O I love you. S+V+P I am a teacher. S+V+O+O He gave me a pen. S+V+O+P He found the house empty. 在句子结构完整性中,常会出现的问题是缺主语、缺谓语或缺主句。 缺谓语 The filibuster, a parliamentary device that slows t he snail’ s pace that prevails even in the best of times i n congressional sessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems more and more an anachronism in the age of telecommunications. (A) sessions and tests the endurance of everyone a ssociated with it, seems (B) sessions and tests the endurance of everyone w ho is associated with it, seeming to be (C) sessions, tests the endurance of everyone assoc iated with it, seems (D) sessions, that tests the endurance of everyone associated with it and seems (E) sessions, testing the endurance of everyone ass ociated with it and seeming 分析:原句的主谓是the filibuster seems...句子结构完整; A正确 B 缺谓语 C tests seems有2个谓语动词; D 缺谓语 E 缺谓语 Although appearing less appetizing than most of the ir round and red supermarket cousins, heirloom toma toes, grown from seeds saved during the previous y ear— they are often green and striped, or have plenty of bumps and bruises— heirlooms are more flavorful and thus in increasing demand. A Although appearing less appetizing than most of their round and red supermarket cousins, heirloom t omatoes, grown from seeds saved during the previous year B Although heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds save d during the previous year, appear less appetizing than most of their round and red supermarket cou sins C Although they appear less appetizing than most o f their round and red supermarket cousins, heirloom tomatoes, grown from seed


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