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试论民营中小企业的对外贸易 ——以浙江民营中小企业为例 求真学院国际经济与贸易专业 傅晟 摘 要:自改革开放以来我国经济发展迅速,已进入腾飞阶段。与此同时民营经济的主体——中小企业也得到了迅猛发展,并逐渐发展成为我国的一支经济主力军。一些民营中小企业机制灵活,在科技创新中不断取得突破,并开始走出国门,参与国际分工和竞争。但民营企业在对外贸易中存在哪些问题,如何使民营企业更好地走出国门,这不仅是民营企业自身要关注的问题,也是我国对外经济贸易实践中需要研究的重要课题。本文以浙江民营中小企业为例来分析民营中小企业对外贸易的现状、存在的问题、原因分析及对策。 关键词:民营中小企业,对外贸易,发展对策 Try to Talk about the Foreign Trade of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise ——Take the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise of Zhejiang as an Example Abstract: Since the reform and opening up to the world, the economy of our nation having marched into the rise rapidly phases of a fast speed. At the same time, the group of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise achieved fast-developing and grew into a strong economic body. Some of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise s mechanism are vivid ,moreover they can obtain the breakthrough continuously in science and technology innovation, and start come out the entrance to a country, participating the international division of labour and competing. But the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise exists in the foreign trade which problems, how make it come out the entrance to a country betterly, this is not only the problem that the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise oneself want to pay attention to, but also an our country the outward economic trade to practice in important subject that need to be study. This paper takes the example of Zhejiang’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprise and analyses the actuality of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise in foreign trade, existing problems, and analyze of the reason with the aim to find out the proper solutions. Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprise, foreign trade, developing countermeasure 引 言 改革开放20多年来,以民营经济为主体的中小企业得到了迅猛发展。目前,我国的民营中小企业已发展到460万户以上,从业人员超过5000万,创造的国内生产总值约占全国总量的1/3。一些中小企业机制灵活,在科技创新中不断取得突破,并开始走出国门,参与国际分工和竞争。民营中小企业已由对外合作初期以输入新技术和资金为主,向技术出口、境外加工、海外投资等输出型方向发展;海外投资方式也从最初的货币、实物投资向股权置换、跨国并购拓展。但民营企业在对外贸易中存在哪些问题,如何使民营企业更好地走出国门,这不仅是民营企业自身要关注的问题,也是我国对外经济贸易实践中需要研究的重要课题。 一 、民营企业对外贸易的现状:以浙江省为例 近年来民


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