对外汉语教学第二册第二课 一封信.ppt

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对外汉语教学第二册第二课 一封信

第二课 一封信 封 fēng (a classifier for sth. sealed) 上 shàng preceding(in order or time) 基本上 jīběnshang basically 基本 jīběn essential;fundamental 交 jiāo to associate with;to be friend 分别 fēnbié respectively;separately 来自 láizì to come from 自 zì from 等 děng and so on;etc 洲 zhōu continent 课外 kèwài extracurricular;after school 关心 guānxīn to have sb. or sth. on one’s mind 团结 tuánjié united;friendly 站 zhàn to stand;to get up 黄 huáng yellow 个子 gèzi height 柔和 róuhé soft;gentle;mild 缓慢 huǎnmàn slow 优美 yōuměi graceful;fine 舒展 shūzhǎn unfold;extend;smooth out 增强 zēngqiáng to strengthen;to heighten 体质 tǐzhì health;physique;constitution 预防 yùfáng to take precautious against;to guard against;to forestall 疾病 jíbìng disease 作用 zuòyòng impact;result;to act on;to affect 项 xiàng (a classifier for itemized things) 后 hòu after;afterwards 毛笔 máobǐ brush made from wool 书画 shūhuà painting and calligraphy 竹子 zhúzi bamboo 诗 shī poem;poetry 橱窗 chúchuāng glass fronted billboard,used to display photography,etc 展出 zhǎnchū to exhibit;to display;to show;to open up 表示 biǎoshì to show;to express;to indicate 筷子 kuàizi chopstick 好玩儿 hǎowánr amusing;interesting 适应 shìyìng to suit;to adapt to 健康 jiànkāng healthy 封 (a classifier for sth. sealed) 上 preceding(in order or time) 基本上 basically 基本 essential;fundamental 交 to associate with;to be friend 分别 respectively;separately 来自 to come from 自 from 等 and so on;etc


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