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Unit 7 Learning Strategies Passage B I. Words and Expressions 1. archeologist ← archeology 1. attain to gain with effort ;reach a point in time, or a certain state or level ;reach a destination, either real or abstract (通常经过努力)实现, 达到, 获得,得到 She pulls every string to attain the end. 她想尽一切办法来达到目的。 We can attain whatever goal we set in our min 我们设定了什么目标,就能实现什么目标。 这个国家在1972年获得了独立。 The country attained its independence in 1972. He will soon attain to manhood. 他很快就要到达成年期了。 【词义辨析】 attain,?reach,?achieve,?arrive 这些动词均有“达到”之意。 attain:?侧重指在抱负或雄心的激励下,以最大的努力去达到一般所不及或不敢追求的目的。 reach:?常用词,指到达某一空间、时间、目标或发展过程中的某一点。 achieve:?侧重为达到目的所需的技巧、忍耐和努力。 arrive:?指得出结论,达成某项协议或作出某一决定等。 派生词 attainability attainable None of the servants were _____ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message. A.available B.attainable C.approachable D.applicable 2. bloom n. (C) the organic process of bearing flowers; the period of greatest prosperity or productivity; the best time of youth开花,最佳时期 Harry carefully picked the bloom. 哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。 The Daffodils are in full bloom. 水仙花盛开了。 vi. 开花;繁盛;茁壮成长;变漂亮 Harry carefully picked the bloom. 哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。 The children are blooming! 孩子们正在健康成长。 She bloomed into an utterly beautiful creature. 她出落得亭亭玉立。 Not many economies bloomed in 1990, especially gold exporters like Australia. 1990年经济繁荣的国家并不多,尤其是像澳大利亚这样的黄金出口国。 【词义辨析】 bloom, blossom,?flower 这些名词均含“花”之意。 bloom: 主要指诸如牡丹、玫瑰、梅花、菊花等供观赏的花以及花的状态。 blossom: 一般指树木开花,尤指果树上开的花。 flower: 指开放的花朵或泛指花卉。 3. circuit n. (C) a complete route which an electric current can flow around; a series of places that are visited regularly by a person or group, especially as a part of their job; a journey all the way round a place电路(尤指工作时的)巡回线路,巡回,巡游; (绕着某地的)环行,环游 The rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base. 火箭绕地球运行一周后返回基地。 Its a common problem asked about most when Im on the lecture circuit. 我在巡回讲演时被问得最多的就是这个常见的问题。 4. complex plicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts复杂的,合成的 n. (心)情节 主席说的太复杂了, 我无法了解。 What the chairp


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