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Research into Population Genetics (unit7_5)对人种遗传学的研究Despite the difficulties, the scientists made some remarkable discoveries. 尽管有困难,科学家们还是取得了一些引人注目的发现。One of them jumps right off the books cover: A color map of the worlds genetic variation has Africa at one end of the range and Australia at the other. 其中之一就醒目的印在了此书的封面上:人类基因变异彩图表明,非洲和澳洲分别位于变化范围两端。Because Australias native people and black Africans share such superficial characteristics as skin color and body shape, 因为澳洲土著和非洲黑人之间有一些共同的外表特征,如肤色、体型等, Africans Australias native people they were widely assumed to be closely related. But their genes tell a different story. 所以被普遍认为有密切的血缘关系。但他们的基因却表明并非如此。Active expressions: Story ( information ;description; occasion…… )Translation美国的失业率下降,欧洲也是如此。Unemployment is falling in the US and it’s the same story in Europe.Active expressionsIn English,you may find some expressions fromed by very common words ,but they are active and powerful.E.g.One of then jumps right(=exactly in a particular position) off the book’s cover: a color map of…其中之一就醒目的印在了此书的封面上:一个彩色的地图。。。What’s on at the cinema tonight?今晚电影上映什么?What’s he up to?他忙什么呢?Of all humans, Australians are most distant from the Africans and most closely resemble (=be similar to )their neighbors, the southeast Asians. 在所有人种中,澳洲人与非洲人的关系最远,而与其邻居东南亚人非常接近。What the eye sees as racial differences—between Europeans and Africans, for example—are mainly a way to adapt to climate as humans move from one continent to another. 我们所看到的人种差异,例如欧洲人与非洲人的差异,主要是人类从一个大陆向另一个大陆迁徙时为适应气候 所产生的。Continent(CET4) n.大陆,洲,陆地 adj.自制的,克制的 continental n.欧洲人 例:He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west. 他只身长途跋涉, 从东向西横穿整个非洲大陆。Adapt to : Try to deal successfully with a new situationUse itAccording to your experience ,how to adapt to college life?Tips:Being open-minded…Turning to teachers for helpTrying to making friendsThank you !!!


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