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留美科学家的国内参与及其 2011# 2 CJS 社会网络 31 孙晓娥 边燕杰 :关于社会网络在求职过程中的作用有两 个假设: 弱关系假设和强关 系假设本研究通过对30 名留 中国科学家的深入访谈发现, 是社会网络 中人际强弱关系的互相协调共同发挥作用,才成功促成了双方的跨国合作 强关系的作用是作为关系节点, 将双方连接起来, 提供沟通平台和信誉保证; 而弱关系的作用是互通信息, 为留 科学家的国内参与提供体制资源支持 强弱关系在求职网络中的优势互补是本研究的重要发现,充实了强弱关系假 设的理论内涵, 丰富了求职网络的研究传统, 对人才的跨国参与具有指 导意义 : 国内参与 社会网络 强关系 弱关系 Transnational Participation and Social Networking: The Interaction between Strong and Weak Ties of Chinese American Scientists Sun Xiao. e Bian Yanjie Abstract: There are twomodelsregarding the role of social networkin thejob- search process: the hypothesis of weak ties versus the hypothesis of strong ties. In examining the transnational participation of 30 Chinese American scientists, our in-depthinterviewstudy hasfoundoutthatitistheteam workof * 1: (Author 1: Sun Xiao. e, Institute for Empirical Social Science Research, School of umanities andSocial Sciences, Xi. an Jiaotong University)E-mail: elainesun@mail.xjtu. edu. cn; 2: (Author 2:Bian Yanjie, Institute for Empirical Social Science Research, School of umanities and Social Sciences, Xi. an Jiaotong University) , # 194 # strong andweaktiesthatmatchestheknowledgeandskillsof ChineseAmerican scientistswiththeneedanddemandof Chineseinstitutes, andthus successfully promotes the transnational collaboration between the two parties. Strong ties provide connection, rapport, and support for keeping promises/quality while weak ties supply resources and institutional support in transnational participation for the ChineseAmerican scient


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