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信息安全产品配置与应用Configuration and Application of Information Security Products重庆电子工程职业学院| 路亚模块八、路由交换安全配置生成树协议Spanning Tree Protocol教学目标( Objectives )1. IP地址概念( Concept of IP Address )2. IP地址分类 (Class of IP Address)3. 保留和私有地址( Reserved and Private IP Address)4. 网络掩码和子网划分(Network Mask and Subnetting ) 5. 可变长度子网掩码( VLSM )6. 汇总和CIDR( Summarization and CIDR)ObjectivesRedundant topologiesSpanning Tree Protocol冗余(Redundancy)冗余网络拓扑确保网络持续工作,避免单点故障Redundant networking topologies are designed to ensure that networks continue to function in the presence of single points of failure. 冗余拓扑(Redundant Topologies)冗余拓扑(Redundant Topologies)1.冗余拓扑的目标是为了避免网络出现单点故障A goal of redundant topologies is to eliminate network outages caused by a single point of failure. 2.所有的网络需要冗余来提高可靠性All networks need redundancy for enhanced reliability.简单的冗余交换拓扑(Simple Redundant Switched Topology)简单的冗余交换拓扑(Simple Redundant Switched Topology)1.冗余拓扑消除了单点故障Redundant topologies eliminate single points of failure. 2. 交换机对不知道地址的帧进行泛洪Switches will flood frames for unknown destinations. 3.交换机对广播和组播也进行泛洪。 Broadcasts and multicasts are also flooded. 4.冗余交换拓扑或许会带来广播风暴、多帧拷贝以及MAC地址表不稳定的问题A redundant switched topology may cause broadcast storms, multiple frame copies, and MAC address table instability problems.广播风暴(Broadcast Storm)多帧传输(Multiple Frame Transmissions)在冗余交换网络中,对终端设备来讲,收到多帧相同数据是可能的。In a redundant switched network it is possible for an end device to receive multiple frames. MAC地址表不稳定(MAC Database Instability)交换机从错误的接口学到MAC地址。A switch can learn that a MAC address is on a port when it is not.创建逻辑无环路拓扑(Creating a logical loop free topology)1.冗余增加了可靠性,但是同时将物理环路带进网络。Reliability is increased by redundancy. redundancy connections introduce physical loops into the network. 2. 解决办法就是创建逻辑无环路拓扑,同时保留物理环存在The solution is to allow physical loops, but create a loop free logical topology. 3.无环路拓扑称为树,并且是可扩展的树。The loop free logical topology created is called a tree. It is a spanning tree because all devices in the network are rea