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信息安全产品配置与应用Configuration and Application of Information Security Products重庆电子工程职业学院| 路亚模块八、路由交换安全配置交换和VLANSwitching and VLAN教学目标( Objectives )1. 交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address)2. 两种交换方法(Two Switching Methods) 3. 配置端口安全(Configuring Port Security) 4.密码破解(Password Recovery) 5. VLAN操作(VLAN Operations) 6.配置和验证静态VLAN (Configuring and Verifying Static VLANs)交换机三种功能(Three Switch Functions ) 地址学习(Address learning)决定转发或过滤(Forward/filter decision)避免环路(Loop avoidance)交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address)MAC address tableAB0260.8c018c01.3333E0E1E2E3CD0260.8c018c01.4444初始MAC地址表是空的Initial MAC address table is empty交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address)MAC address tableE0: 0260.8c01.1111AB0260.8c018c01.3333E0E1CDE2E30260.8c018c01.4444A向C发送帧(Station A sends a frame to Station C)交换机将A的MAC地址和其对应的接口E0放入MAC地址表Switch caches station A MAC address to port E0 by learning the source address of data frames 该帧向除了E0接口的所有接口泛洪The frame from station A to station C is flooded out to all ports except port E0 交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address)MAC address tableE0: 0260.8c01.1111E3: 0260.8c01.4444AB0260.8c018c01.3333E0E1E2E3CD0260.8c018c01.4444D向C发送帧(Station D sends a frame to station C)交换机将D的MAC地址和其对应的接口E3放入MAC地址表Switch caches station D MAC address to port E3 by learning the source Address of data frames该帧向除了E3接口的所有接口泛洪The frame from station D to station C is flooded out to all ports except port E3 (unknown unicasts are flooded)交换机过滤帧( Switches Filter Frames)MAC address tableE0: 0260.8c01.1111E2: 0260.8c01.2222E1: 0260.8c01.3333ABE3: 0260.8c018c018c01.3333E0E1XXDCE2E30260.8c018c01.4444A向C发送帧Station A sends a frame to station C目的地址已知,帧不被泛洪Destination is known, frame is not flooded 两种交换方法(Two Switching Methods)存储转发特征(Store-and-forward Feature)1. 在转发之前整个帧被接收 The entire frame is received before any forwarding takes place. 2.由于交换开始之前要接收完整帧,较大的数据帧延迟较大 Latency is greater with larger frames because th


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