Oracle DBA 职责与任务(44页).ppt

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Oracle DBA 职责与任务(44页)

Oracle DBA Best Practices Dennis Williams Senior Database Administrator Lifetouch, Inc. About Me TCOUG member since 1990 8 years only DBA at Lifetouch, Inc. Lawson Software Database Research Engineer Consultant - Fingerhut Control Data Contact me at dwilliams@ Audience Those considering DBA career DBAs who want to improve Those forced to tolerate DBAs There’s no asset more important than a company’s data. You can’t give that responsibility to someone who doesn’t know how to handle it. Malcom Fields, CIO Hon Industries Agenda Time - Until lunch is ready Left-brain portion - tech. Issues Right-brain portion - softer issues Database audit form 75,610 DBAs U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2003 began tracking the IT workforce. 6.46% unemployed There are 797,445 Software Engineers (5.3% unemployed) DBA supports about 10 developers. 66% DBA growth by 2010 Where do DBAs come from? Schools don’t offer a degree. Developer DB developer System Administrator DBA is a role Like a policeman or teacher Unstated responsibilities, expectations Most people don’t know what a DBA does. DBA time breakdown 22% Fire Fighting 33% Monitoring 12% Perf. Tuning / Change Mgt. 33% Development Support 0% Planning for growth 0% Backup Recovery Planning 0% Learning Koopman Assignment Keep a personal time log - 1 week Learn your time distribution Target improvements Study time management Levels of Oracle DBA OCP Misconception: you are an expert Multiple choice, so simple questions Broad, not deep Career benefit - can’t hurt Can help you go deeper in Oracle Types of DBAs: Development DBA May carry developer title Develop code ( PL/SQL ) “Hunter” personality (find/fix/forget) Best practices: Code Complete by McConnell Production Support DBA Keep it running “shepherd / farmer” personality Where best practices really make a difference The hero isn’t the DBA that battles problems through the weekend, but the one that avoided the problem Application DBA Supports a business cr


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