Foodservice Operations Module - Glossary of Terms(餐饮管理术语表).doc

Foodservice Operations Module - Glossary of Terms(餐饮管理术语表).doc

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Foodservice Operations Module - Glossary of Terms(餐饮管理术语表)

A A la carte menu: Menu where food items are listed and priced separately. 零点菜单:食物和价格分开列明的菜单. Aesthetics: Having an appreciation for beauty. In foodservice, applies to food presentation. 美学:对美的欣赏.在餐饮服务中运用于食物的展示. Assembly/serve system: Also known as the kitchenless kitchen, full prepared foods are purchased, stored, assembled, heated, and served. 配菜/服务系统:同样被称为无厨房式厨房,采购,存储,搭配,加热和服务全套准备好的食物. B Banquet: An elaborate feast where the service and menu are preset. 宴会:精心准备的酒宴其中服务和菜单都是实现准备好的. Biological hazard: The threat to food safety caused by contamination of food with pathogenic microorganisms. 生物的危害性:由致病微生物引起的食物污染所带来的食品安全的威胁. Branded concept: A complete marketing package that communicates a recognized and consistent brand identity to the customer. 品牌概念:以一个公认的或一贯的品牌来让消费者进行区分的市场包装形式. Branding: The use of nationally or locally labeled products for sale in an existing foodservice operation. 品牌化:在现有的食品服务中,在销售中对全国的或当地的标志产品的使用. Break-even point (BEP): Level of activity such as sales volume where total revenues and total expenses are equal. 盈亏平衡点/保本点:诸如销售量等项目的水平,其总收入和总支出相持平. C Carrier: An individual who harbors pathogens and, therefore has the potential to infect others or contaminate food. 携带者:某个藏匿病原体的个体,有感染他人或者污染食物的隐患. Change management: The process, tools, and techniques of effectively managing people and the associated human resource issue that surface when implementing changes. 变动管理:有效管理人员使用的程序,工具和技术,当实现变动时,相关的人力资源也会达到该层面. Chef de rang: The principal food server in French-style table service. Responsible for all table-side preparation. 侍应领班:在法式餐桌服务中的基本食物服侍者.负责所有的餐桌边的准备工作. Chemical hazard: The threat to food safety caused by contamination of food with chemical substances such as cleaning compounds and pesticides. 化学危害性:由化学物质如洗洁精和杀虫剂等引起的食品污染引发的对食品安排的威胁. Cleaning: Process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface. 清洁:清洗食物和其他表面有赃物的食物的过程. Collective bargaining: An obligation to meet and discuss terms with an open mind. 劳资谈判:以开放的头脑来相聚并讨论事件的义务. Commis de rang: An a


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