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doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-671X.201207017封闭式贮煤场消防新技术的应用汪芬 1,刘智钺 2,李波 1,江长平 1,徐莹 31. 广东省电力设计研究院 水务部,广东 广州 5106632. 中国建筑第一工程局 施工管理部,广东 深圳 5180003. 哈尔滨商业大学 能源与建筑工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150028摘 要:为降低能源消耗,减少污染排放,压缩落后产能,大容量机组已成为我国电力建设的主导方向,电厂消防的要求越来越高. 作为火电厂燃料的贮存场所,煤场的安全直接关系到电厂的运行生产. 针对封闭式煤场易自燃、火灾难控制 等特点,提出有效可行的改进措施和科学的管理方法. 同时结合国外电厂成功运行经验,提出了环保、高效、可靠的封闭 式煤场消防新技术.关键词:封闭式贮煤场;消防;自燃;微胞囊灭火技术中图分类号:TD75文献标志码:A文章编号:1009- 671X(2012)06- 0080- 04Application on new fire fighting technology in closed coal yardWANG Fen1, LIU Zhiyue2, LI Bo1, JIANG Changping1,XU Ying31. Water Department,Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute,Guangzhou 510663,China2. Construction Management Department,China Construction First Group Co.,Ltd,Shenzhen 518000,China3. Energy and Architecture Department,Harbin Commercial University,Harbin 150028,ChinaAbstract:To bring down energy consumption, reduce pollution emissions, and compress backward production capacity, the high -capacity unit has become the dominant direction of power station construction in China. Then it need higher demand for power station firefighting. As a thermal power station fuel storage site, the security of coal yard is directly related to the running and production of the power station. For the characteristic of easy to spontaneous combustion and difficult to control fire in a closed coal yard , effective measures for improvement and scientific management methods are put forward. At the same time combining with the successful operation experiences in foreign power stations, an environmental, efficient, reliable fire protection technology is put forward in the closed coal yard.Keywords: closed coal yard; fire fighting; spontaneous combustion; microcapsules fire extinguishing technology贮煤场是电厂集中存放煤炭的场所.引起煤场电厂燃煤贮存规模也逐步向大容量发展.为改变传火灾的原因主要有两方面:煤体自燃和外来火种引燃[1].其中,由于煤炭自燃发生频率高,着火点隐蔽等 特点而成为引起煤场火灾的主要原因,也是煤场消 防的重点和难点.随着电力工业迅速发展,火力发电厂单机容量 向高参数、大机组方向发展,为确保机组燃煤需求,统露天条形煤场要相应增大场地面积来提高贮煤量、减少对周边空气水源污染等问题,封闭式煤场 以其能够提高场地利用率、缩小占地面积、增加贮 煤容量、


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