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难点突破: 4.你上课多久了?(be in class) 5.你昨晚睡了多久? 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 * Unit 6 Section A (1a---1c) How long have you been collecting shells? What is your hobby? I like … When did you start it? I started… in… When did he start playing basketball? He started playing basketball in 2006. He has been playing basketball for 4 years How long has he been playing basketball? now 2010 play 4 years has been playing basketball 2006 Started playing basketball collect shells 收集贝壳 He has been collecting shells for two years. now collect 2 years has been collecting shells He started collecting shells in 2008. 2008 started collecting shells When did he start collecting shells? How long has he been collecting shells? skate one year He has been skating for one year. How long has he been skating? How long have they been playing basketball? play basketball five years They have been playing basketball for five years. A: How long have/has …been doing? B: ….have/has been…for… 10 months half a year 2 years 9 years sing ride a bike swim dance 合作探究(一):(四人一组) She has been dancing for nine years. 此句使用了______________时态,它的结构 是___________________.其中been是_____的 过去分词,____ +一段时间表示时间的延续。 现在完成进行时表示动作从______开始,持续 到______,可能继续下去。 现在完成进行 have/has been+doing be 过去 现在 for 如:我弹钢琴已经十年了。 ______________________________________ I have been playing the piano for ten years. Skating Marathon 溜冰马拉松 Alison Sam Victor Celia (1b) Listen. A reporter is talking to the participants in a skating marathon. Fill in the chart below. How long? Alison Sam Victor Celia I’ve been skating for five hours. I skated for four hours. I’ve been skating for five hours. I skated for two hours. Woman: Alison, how long have you been______? Alison: I’ve been skating for five hours. Woman: Wow! Sam, how long did you______? Sam: I ______for four hours. I started at nine at o’clock in the morning and ________at one o’clock i



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