GRE作文-ISSUE习作+提纲issue syllabus.doc

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Issue120 3 Issue40 4 Issue136 5 Issue70 6 Issue173 7 Issue1 8 Issue168 9 Issue196 10 Issue147 11 Issue5 12 Issue121 13 Issue131 14 Issue64 15 Issue225 16 Issue8 17 Issue184 18 Issue218 19 Issue235 20 Issue203 21 Issue126 22 Issue118 23 Issue30 24 Issue160 25 Issue174 26 Issue2 26 Issue3 27 Issue36 27 Issue61 27 Issue119 28 Issue190 28 Issue114 29 Issue108 30 Issue120 So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present. With the advancement of technologies and the development of societies, it’s undeniable that our life has been experiencing unprecedented changes, which inevitably make life new and complex. However, looking back for an understanding of the past, also studying history, can help us understand our society and the world, can help us to perceive what is yet to come, can provide us knowledge and determination to achieve our goals, so how can the speaker totally overlooks the importance of studying the past in our life? Confessedly, our contemporary life indeed encounters some new and complex situations, for which the past can hardly give direct explanations. Now, we have automobiles and computers, also, we have to face accidents caused by automobiles and computer viruses, both of which couldn’t occur in the past, and therefore studying the past seems valueless for solving such new problems. Besides, new technologies bring about some controversial issues in our life. For example, reproductive cloning would involve making cloned human beings. Whether this technology should be admitted causes a severe debate on ethic. However, one has to realize that from studying the past, we can obtain many benefits. First, studying history can help us acquire a better understanding of the present. Sometimes it mayn’t offer any direct answers to our existing questions, but we can still obtain some useful insight or ideas from history, which may help us to solve present problems. With regar


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