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Introduction to Retail Design Presentation to: Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore ZSTU, Hangzhou, China The London College of Fashion The University of the Arts, London largest university for art, design fashion in Europe over 25,000 students students from more than 130 countries six specialist colleges focus on retail fashion management Fashion Retail Academies centres for consulting and industry training extensive research…”Size UK”…”Mass Customisation”… The University of the Arts, London Bill Webb Scholar of Cambridge University 30 years experience in fashion management, consulting and teaching Conference presentation and publications (The Fashion Handbook, Fashion Marketing – Contemporary Issues) Recent visits to Shanghai, Hang Zhou, Beijing, Dalian Hong Kong Chinese wife and home in Dalian The Power of the Visual “You only ever have one chance to make a first impression” Why it matters…… “The first bite is taken with the eye” (Larousse) Why it matters…. shop design is the expression of your brand at the point of sale (Zara) shop design provides a three dimensional brand experience your shops are expensive assets! Success Rating of Retail Design (UK retailers - % - source: Mintel) The Store Development Process Step 1 – define distribution strategy Step 2 – select design agency/team Step 3 – prepare design brief Step 4 - create design concept (research?) Step 5 – concept detailing development Step 6 – layout space planning Step 7 – prototyping costing (QS) Step 8 - tendering ? appoint shop fitters Step 9 – open pilot store evaluate Step 10 - snagging Step 11 – roll-out, with marketing support Step 12 – on-going performance evaluation Benefits of Retail Design Differentiation Benefits of Retail Design Catalyst for Change Benefits of Retail Design Sales Profit Improvement Benefits of Retail Design Operating Efficiency Ben


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