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我们的任务 我们的步骤 复地拥有什么? …但真正让复地与众不同的 是他的态度和眼光 在今天的中国房产市场, 充斥着不断翻新的概念, “语不惊人死不休”的宣言, 狂轰滥炸而效果甚微的广告, “尊贵、精英、时尚、先进”的雷同诉求 复地却看到 一条朴实简单的道理 回归房产的利益制高点 房地产在人类生活中 存在的最根本的理由 …因此,复地提供给消费者的 不仅仅是房子 复地带来的是 复地的眼光 …今天的一切,仅仅是起步 …复地的品牌长征才刚刚开始 让我们一起期待 谢谢 “ 品牌是一种错综复杂的象征。它是产品属性、名称包装、价格、历史、声誉、广告方式的无形总和。品牌同时也因消费者对其使用者的印象,以及自身的经验而有所界定 。 ” 大卫奥格威 1955 品牌由消费者的 所有体验组成 设计 材料 颜色 价格 特性 结构 数量 重量 商标 包装 名称 包装袋 网站 制服 陈列室 服务 软新闻 政治立场 公共名望 商业环境 传统 文化 人物 历史 收入 教育水平 成就 负面事物 使用人数 年龄 心理 形象 电视片 平面 户外 店头 电台 网上 推广 直销 赞助 Shareholder value is created by the generation of cash flows. It is from cash, not accounting profit, that payment is made to claimants on the business, like shareholders. These cash flows are then discounted to take account of the time value of money and business risk. So reducing business risk is essential to reducing discount rates Shareholder value is created by the generation of cash flows. It is from cash, not accounting profit, that payment is made to claimants on the business, like shareholders. These cash flows are then discounted to take account of the time value of money and business risk. So reducing business risk is essential to reducing discount rates Shareholder value is created by the generation of cash flows. It is from cash, not accounting profit, that payment is made to claimants on the business, like shareholders. These cash flows are then discounted to take account of the time value of money and business risk. So reducing business risk is essential to reducing discount rates Shareholder value is created by the generation of cash flows. It is from cash, not accounting profit, that payment is made to claimants on the business, like shareholders. These cash flows are then discounted to take account of the time value of money and business risk. So reducing business risk is essential to reducing discount rates Shareholder value is created by the generation of cash flows. It is from cash, not accounting profit, that payment is made to claimants on the


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