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现代大学英语听力教学大纲 执 笔 人:朱冬梅 一、课程性质、地位和作用:二、课程教学对象、目的和要求: 2. 3.三、的相关课程及其关系:四、课程内容及学时分配:2学时,共134学时。其中,第一学期开课16周,共32学时;第二、三、四学期各开课17周,共102学时。四学期共开课134课时,其中实践课100学时,理论课34学时。 第一学年: 第一单元 University Life 教学内容:6学时 Task 1. This passage shows how a teacher introduces him/herself and the course in the first class. Task 2. A student is a bit confused in the library. What happens? Task 3. The following passage is the taped tour of a university library. Task 4. In this dialogue, two students arrange an orientation for the freshmen. Task 5. A student asks a receptionist for some information about the courses. Task 6. This passage is a brief introduction of the Scholastic Aptitude Test in the US. Task 7. The following passage tells about the University Entrance Exams in Japan. Task 8. This is an introduction to a school. Task 9. This is an introduction to a language school in London. Task 10. This is a school for the EFL students. Task 11. This short passage is an introduction about Cindy Farrow, a girl from California. 教学重点 1.?Learn the basic words, phrases and sentence patterns often used in describing university life. 2.?Grasp quickly information about dates, numbers and prices. 3.?Understand education in different countries. 4.?Learn to listen for information. 教学难点 1.Understand education in different countries. 2. Learn to listen for information. 第二单元Men, Animals and Pets 教学内容:4学时 Task 1. Seven animals will be described. Task 2. The following is a passage about the fastest and the most intelligent animals in the world. Task 3. You are going to hear a short dialogue discussing why the dinosaurs disappeared. Task 4. What animals have the shortest and longest lives? Task 5. Listen to the following passage about using animals for research. Task 6. The following passage is about three young tigers and their parents at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. Task 7. Listen to the following passage about cats in America. Task 8. It’s a humorous short story about a boy and his pet r


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