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The most important thing I think I should learn at college. Patriotism means love for one’s country.It makes one ready to sacrifice one’s own life for one’s country,and to do many other deeds which can bring benefits to his people.Its effect is very great when it is exercised by all the people of a country.I think patriotism is the most important thing I should learn a college,because it makes our country strong,and her history glorious.It also improves a man’s character and secures for him a widespread fame. To love our country,to work so as to make her rich,to support her government, to obey her law,to pay fair taxes into her treasury,to treat our follow-citizens as we wish to be treated ourselves –this is to be a real Chinese patriot. If the people of a country are not patriotic,the country must be very weak. History tells us some countries of ancient times were, owing to lack of patriotism, conquered by other peoples and the people of the conquered countries were made slaves under. So patriotism is the most important thing I think I should learn at college . 2.How do you distinguish the hero and the celebrity? The hero and celebrity are both famous people.however,they are not of the same kind.there are several ways to distinguish them. First, a hero becomes famous because of his uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most often for the benefit of others. In contrast, a celebrity becomes famous because of much publicity. Second, to become a hero, one needs accomplishment, but to become a celebrity, one only needs luck. the hero was distinguished by his accomplishment; the celebrity by his image and trademark. Finally, there is another distinction: heroes inspire respect; celebrities inspire envy. the main reason is that the celebrities are like common people except for the attention they get from the media, and many people believe that they could become another celebrity with good luck. 3.Why do Americans generally value time? give examples to s



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