研究生英语《读写译教程》写作篇 Chapter Four Types of Essay Writing.ppt

研究生英语《读写译教程》写作篇 Chapter Four Types of Essay Writing.ppt

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研究生英语《读写译教程》写作篇 Chapter Four Types of Essay Writing

Organization for Comparison and Contrast Order Make a sentence-by-sentence comparison of the features in any order that seems appropriate for the topic. Model Outline (Block Organization) Thesis Statement Model Outline (Point-by-point Organization) Thesis Statement 1. You could discuss the differences first and the similarities last. It is more usual, however, to discuss similarities first. 3. Facts and Opinions Facts are objective statements of truths. At sea level, water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Women live longer than men. Lung cancer among women is increasing. Opinions are subjective statements based on a person’s beliefs or attitudes. Men are better drivers than women. Engineering students do not need to take a lot of English courses. Americans are only superficially friendly. an argument a set of statements in support of an opinion or proposed course of action the purpose to convince three parts introduction: identifies the issue to be discussed and explains the importance body: presents the evidence conclusion: reaffirms the proposition IV. Argument 1. Pretest Read the following statements and tell which are facts and which are opinions. (1) Lung cancer is ten times higher among smokers than nonsmokers. (2) There is no conclusive evidence that passive smoking leads to lung cancer. IV. Argument (3) Smoking should not be restricted in public places because it is a threat to individual rights. (4) Up to 75% of fatal road accidents involve alcohol. (5) Drinking alcohol is an anti-social habit. (6) Alcohol drink to excess impairs judgment of time and distance. IV. Argument Sentences 1) ,2), 4) and 6) are facts Sentences 3) and 5) are personal beliefs Sentences 7) and 8) are called mixed statements which contain both fact and opinion. (7) Book of Nonsense Verse is Lear’s collection of limericks that all children love. (8) The Ghost Show, which is broadcast on Friday nights, is a terrible program. IV. Argument IV. Argument __________



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