NCNDA-IMFPA 双语模板.doc

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INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (I.C.C 400/500/600) 国际商会 (I.C.C 400/500/600) / NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA) 保密协议 IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) 不可撤销佣金保障协议 Fill in correct information area below 正确填写如下信息 CONTRACT CODE合同代码 : SELLER’S TRANSACTION CODE : 卖家交易代码 ? SELLER’S CODE 卖家代码: ? BUYER’S CODE 买家代码 : ? PRODUC 产品T : PRODUCT ORIGIN 产地 : CONTRACT QUANTITY 合同数量 : CONTRACT PERIOD : PAYMENT TERM 付款条件: SELLER’S NAME 卖方名称 : SELLER’S SIDE REPRESENTATIVE 卖方代表 BUYER’S NAME 买方名称 : BUYER’S SIDE REPRESENTATIVE买方代表 CONTRACT RELEASED DATE 合同发布日期: ? NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA) 保密协议 IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) 不可撤,以规范双方以后应遵行的法律义务,并就对方之业务及人善尽保密之职责。 WHEREAS the undersigned desire to enter a working business relationship to the mutual and common benefit of the parties hereto, including their affiliates, subsidiaries, stockholders, partners, co-ventures, trading partners, and other associated organizations (hereinafter referred to as “Affiliates”). 鉴于签约人为达成彼此之共同之利益建立商业关系,其受惠之方包含其关系企业、子公司、股东、事业伙伴、国际合作经营企业、贸易伙伴及其它相关企业等。(以下称为企业)NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows: 基于本约之合意、声明、约定及其它约因,双方当事人就下列各事项达成协议: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 合约条款 The parties will not in any manner solicit, nor accept any business in any manner from sources or their affiliates, which sources were made available through this agreement, without the express permission of the party who made available the source and, 在未经双方明示许可下,立约双方及其关系企业皆不得以任何方式要求或接受任何业务源头及其关系企业的业务。 The parties will maintain complete confidentiality regarding each other business sources and/or their Affiliates and will disclose such business sources only to the named parties pursuant to the express written permission of this party who made available


zhuwenmeijiale + 关注



