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2008届毕业(设计)论文题 目 专业班级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 指导教师职称 学院名称 完成日期: 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)题目及副标题(中文)毕业设计(论文)题目及副标题(英文)学生姓名 指导教师 摘要城市道路是城市生活的重要组成部分,与城市居民的日常活动息息相关。理想的道路在满足交通运输和出行需要的同时,还会带给人们美的感受。既然在城市化水平不断提高的今天,城市道路在经济发展中的作用日趋增大,人们对这一产品的期望值也越来越高,城市道路设计的作用就显得举足轻重,它在规划和道路施工中起着承上启下的作用。本设计为城市主干道干道改建设计,现有的交通条件已经无法满足日益增长的行车需求,迫切需要改建。设计过程中,根据规划年限内预测的远景交通量;再根据计算数据确定道路等级、横断面布置形式,继而进行道路平面、纵断面设计;路面设计要考虑两部分内容,新建路面部分与路面改建部分;然后对沿线各交叉口进行渠化设计、竖向设计和信号配时;最后进行道路照明、绿化、排水、以及标志标线的设计与布置。关键词:城市道路道路等级横断面纵断面竖向设计路面标志标线AbstractUrban road is an important part of city life, and closely related to daily activities of urban residents. The best road can not only meet the needs of transport and travel, but also bring the best feelings to people. Since the increasing of the level of urbanization today, with the economic developedthe city roads have play an important role, and people have high expectations on this product, the role of urban road design becomes very important, it plays a role of linking in the planning and road construction This design is a reconstruction design for the urban main streets; because the existing traffic conditions have been unable to meet growing traffic demand, so it need to be reconstructed immediately. During the designing, according to the forecast of traffic; then calculated data to determine road grade, andcross section form and designs the horizontal and vertical section of the road. The pavement designing needs the take two factors into consideration: the newly constructed section and the reconstructed section. The next is to do the canalizing design of the cross section, vertical design and signal concerting.The last is to design and arrange the road illuminating, afforesting, dewatering and traffic signs and marks.Keywords:urban roadroad gradecross sectionvertical section vertical design pavement signs and markings第1章 绪论1.1城市道路建设现状城市道路是城市人们生活和物质运输必不可少的重要交通基础设施,同时也起到了保护环境,为市政工程设施提供场地、城市规划及建筑艺术以及防震救灾等方面的功能。在城市规划和城市设计时,我们要把握好才是城市道路的功能特点,才能


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