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薄壁圆筒磨边机的结构设计 摘要 据经济合作与发展组织日前发布报告称,世界石油需求快速增长,原因是新兴经济体石油消耗不断增长,纽约——美国能源情报署预测,今年全球石油需求将增加1.2%至万桶/日。在这种情况下,对油桶的需求也必然会增加很多,这就给油桶生产商提供了一个绝佳的增长机会。在油桶的生产中,需要把油桶边缘磨平,安装油桶盖。油桶属于薄壁圆筒,磨削时,加工效率低、噪声大。 本设计为一种自动薄壁圆筒磨边机,它包括砂轮主轴升降机构、磨边砂轮主轴机构、圆筒夹紧机构组成。本机主轴升降机构采用伺服电机配套滚珠丝杠完成驱动,考虑到丝杠和伺服电机的选型过大增加生产成本,本文中增加配重机构已达到减小伺服电机和丝杠的目的。磨边砂轮主轴机构采用变速主轴箱结构,可以实现不同转速下的磨削工作,同时考虑到磨边砂轮的拆装方便,主轴和砂轮的连接采用锥孔拉紧。圆筒夹紧机构同样采用自动结构,代加工油桶放置在工作台上,通过伺服电机驱动带有夹持块的工作台和安装在底座上的定夹紧完成夹紧工作。为了达到降噪的目的,本机安装在隔音房中。 此次设计的主要任务是完成整个圆筒磨边机的设计,本文完成整机的设计计算,包括电机功率的确认,主传动轴的校核等,然后利用AUTOCAD软件完成整个圆筒磨边机二维工程图的绘制。 关键词:薄壁圆筒磨边机 ; 升降机构 ; 主轴机构 ; 二维工程图 Abstract According to the organization for economic cooperation and development recently released a report, world oil demand growth, the reason is that oil consumption growth in emerging economies, New York -- America EIA forecast, this year's global oil demand will increase to 1.2% barrels / day. In this case, the demand for oil will also increase a lot, which give oil producers to provide an excellent opportunity for growth. In oil production, the oil tank cover edges, installation. Oil belongs to the cylinder, grinding, low processing efficiency, high noise. The design of an automatic thin cylindrical grinding machine, which comprises a grinding wheel spindle elevating mechanism, grinding wheel spindle body, cylinder clamping mechanism. Lifting mechanism of the spindle servo motor ball screw drive matching complete, considering the selection of screw and servo motor is too large to increase the cost of production, increase the weight mechanism has to reduce the servo motor and screw the purpose of this paper. Grinding wheel spindle mechanism with variable speed spindle box structure, can realize the grinding work under different speed, at the same time, taking into account the grinding wheel grinding wheel spindle and convenient assembly and disassembly, connected by a taper tension. Cylinder clamping mechanism using the same automatic structure, processing oil drums placed on the worktable, drive a


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