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BUSINESS REPORT Company name: IPC Flowers Group members : BE(1):张惠彬(No.11)、陈晓媚(No.16)、朱婉萍(No.18) BE(2):林岚(No.4)、林海燕(No.5) Table of Contents Introduction Situation analysis Overview of organisation Environmental analysis including current market size, demand analysis and market potential Competitor analysis including positioning analysis Market segmentation and target market analysis Part 1 - Collect market intelligence Part 2 - Review current business performance and capability Part 3 - Evaluate the specific market Part 4 - Document how business can meet current and emerging needs of the target market Conclusion and recommendations Introduction In this report, you can learn about our situation analysis for Hong Kong. It will contains overview of organization, environmental analysis (including current market size, demand analysis and market potential), competitor analysis (including positioning analysis), market segmentation and target market analysis Other aspect, we also have a overseas market analysis. The target market is Russia, we have made a comprehensive analysis .Through the analysis of the various, we have collect market intelligence; review current business performance and capability; evaluate the specific market; document how business can meet current and emerging needs of the target market This report was researched and authored by 5 students from the 2010 Cohort of BE students, namely Jill, Sally, Nicole, Lena and Peggy. The authors conducted both primary and secondary research, using interviews, websites, and others to reach their conclusions and recommendations. Among us Sally mainly responsible for introduction and domestic situation analysis, Lena was mainly for collect market intelligence, Nicole was in charge for review current business performance and capability, Peggy had took target for evaluate the specific market, document how business can meet current and emerging needs of the target market, in the end Jill had a conclusion and recommen



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