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2009 38 7 PETROCHEM ICAL TECHNOLOGY 697 黄美荣, 高 鹏, 李新贵 ( , 200092) [] , ( 2. 2 S/cm ); 900 ( 85% ) , , 1. 0, , 50% , [] ; ; ; [] 1000- 8144 ( 2009) - 07 - 0697- 08 [] TQ 422 [] A E lectrochem ical Polym erizations of Fused-R ing AromaticHydrocarbons and Multifunctionality of the Polym ers Huang M eirong, G ao Peng, Li Xingu i ( Institute o fM aterialsC em istry, K ey Laboratory of Advanced C iv il Eng ineering M aterials o f t eM inistry o f Education, Co llege ofM aterials Science and Engineering, TongjiUniversity, S ang ai 200092, C ina) [Abstract] T e electroc em ical polym erization s of fused-ring aromatic ydrocarbons w ere systema- tically summarized from up-to-dated relevant literatures. T e polymerization m ec anism-radical cation coup ling m ec anism w as d iscussed and t e structural c aracteristics w ere elaborated. T e fused-ring arom atic polymers obtained by electroc em ical po lymerization possessed good electric conductivity, ig residual carbon and unique blue fluorescence. In particular, polyazulene ex ib ited t e ig est conductivity of 2. 2 S /cm and insoluble fraction of polynap t alene in tetra ydrofuran dem onstrated t e ig est residual carbon of mass fraction 85% at 900 . A ll t e polym ersw ere strong blue fluorescence em itter, especially t e oligopyrene w as t e best w it fluorescent quantum yield up to 1. 0 in tetra ydrofuran. M oreover, t e oligopyrene ex ib ited ig -performance in fluorescence quenc ing w it t e efficiency of 50% w en exposed to n itroaromatics, w ic w as far ig er t an t at of pyrenemonom er and ot er polymers used for nitroaromatics detection. T e polymers s ow ed prom isin


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