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摘 要 随着社会的不断发展,个人计算机(PC)飞速普及,进入家家户户。同时,PC也是日新月异,各种功能、性能提高速度非常快。主板是PC最基本的也是最重要的部件之一,它对于整个PC机的性能起着举足轻重的作用。而CPU是主板的重要组成部分。主板上的CPU虽然只有火柴盒大小,但却是一台计算机的运算核心和控制核心。如果把计算机比作一个人,那CPU就是大脑,所有的操作均由CPU发出,它是负责读取指令、解码指令与执行命令的核心部件。其重要作用由此可见一斑。 在计算机运行中,CPU散热是一个重要环节,其散热性能的好坏直接关系到CPU的功耗与性能的好坏。随着纳米技术的发展,传统的散热片加三线散热风扇已无法满足需求。用脉宽调制(PWM)技术智能调节控制CPU风扇转速,使CPU温度的上升与风扇转速的增大在一定范围内成线性关系,这样能在减少功耗的同时降低CPU温度。与传统的CPU风扇相比,智能风扇能最大程度上实现无级变速,降低能量损耗,减少噪音。本文就是基于脉宽调制技术的CPU风扇的控制与调节的有关内容的设计。 关键词:CPU温度;CPU风扇;脉宽调制 Abstract With the continuous development of the society, the computer almost has become very ordinary household electrical appliances. And with the popularization of the computer, the development of computers is also developing rapidly, and the various functions and performance increase at a very fast rate. Motherboard is the biggest piece of circuit boards in computer, it plays an important role. However the CPU is an indispensable part of the motherboard, the CPU just like a matchbox, but it is the operation core and control core of a computer. All the operation of a computer are controlled by CPU, which is responsible for reading commands,decoding commands and executing the core components of commands. In computer operation, the CPU heat is very important. Its thermal performance has a direct relationship to the CPU power consumption and the performance. Along with the development of nanometer technology, traditional cooling slice three-pin cooling fans already cannot satisfy our demand. With pulse width modulation (PWM) technical intelligence adjustment CPU FAN speed, make the CPU temperature rises and fan speed increases in a certain range of a linear relationship, this not only can reduce power consumption but also lowered CPU temperature. Compared with the traditional CPU FAN, intelligent fan can maximum extent realize stepless speed and reduce energy losses and noise. This paper is the discussion based on the pulse width modulation technology CPU FAN control and adjustment. Key words: Temper


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