广西马山县金伦传说研究Guangxi Jinlun legend of Mashan County.pdf

广西马山县金伦传说研究Guangxi Jinlun legend of Mashan County.pdf

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广西马山县金伦传说研究Guangxi Jinlun legend of Mashan County

I II III 摘要 金伦传说是壮族人民崇拜的英雄人物传说,它体现地方的英雄崇 拜特点、师公信仰、土司文化、社会价值等方面。在马山县古零镇一 带,人们对金伦传说加以描绘,与地方的一些自然风物相结合,使金 伦传说具有了鲜明的地方特色。 壮族人民普遍认为广西南宁市马山县的敢花屯一带是金伦生活过 的地方,以敢花屯为中心广泛流传金伦的传说。本文以金伦传说为研 究对象,论及相关土司文化和信仰,结合蜂王型传说中常见的母题和 类型进其神话原型进行分析,重点从传说学视角对金伦传说的艺术特 征和民俗文化做分析、探讨,揭示它们的文化内涵。 金伦传说流传已近千年,具有极强的生命力。随着政府把与金伦传 说有关的金伦洞作为旅游景点进行开发,吸引国内外旅客观赏游览, 这些都影响到金伦传说生命力的延续,有利于其进一步扩布和传播。 关键词:广西马山 金伦传说 传说研究 IV Abstract JinLun of the zhuang people worship legendary hero legend, it shows local worship characteristics, and seek tusi cultures, beliefs, and social value, etc. In mashan county around the town of guling, people on the JinLun , and local legend describe some of the natural all combine to make a sharp JinLun legend has the local characteristics. Zhuang people generally think JinLun lived around ganhuaguangxi nanning mashan county ganhua tuen. the legends of JinLun hole was wide spread For the center with ganhua tuen. Based on JinLun hole legend as the research object, deals with relevant toast culture and religion, combined with the queen mother of legend common type into the problem and type the archetypal analysis, this article focus from legend JinLun to learn perspective of artistic characteristics and folk legends cultural do is analyzed and discussed, and reveals their cultural connotation. JinLun legend has nearly a thousand years, and have extremely strong vitality. As the government put JinLun hole as tourist attractions of development, to attract domestic and international passenger ornamental tour, they affect the continuation of JinLun legend vitality, be helpful for its further enlarge cloth and spread. Keywords: guangxi mashan JinLun legend legend research



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