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摘 要
Since the reform and open policy, our country furniture profession development has been rapid, becomes the national economy new point of growth. From the manual half handwork to the machinery semimechanization, from the tradition to the modern age, from simple Chu installment to environmental protection green furniture, in our country furniture profession development course has filled the transformation. The furniture embellishes the essential item which the people live, and the change which lives along with the people changes. The consumer lives consciousness enhancement, also more hastens to the furniture product request strictly, the furniture profession competition is more and more intense.
This article first elaborates the furniture consumers purchase behavior, understood the different furniture consumer has the different demand, displays the different behavior; Then from the social class, the region cultural difference, individual and so on all quarters purchases the behavior facing the influence furniture consumer the factor to carry on the analysis; Elaborated the furniture market present situation, discovered the furniture market the question, then the question which existed in view of the current furniture market in proposed further governed marketing countermeasure. The article finally has carried on the forecast to our country furniture market development future, so long as we can know fully in developing process latent crisis, governs the undesirable tendency promptly, and consummates the related legal laws and regulations as soon as possible, our co
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