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题目 Bank Letters Writing -- Agency Relationship 学 院 法商分院 专 业 金融学 班 级 10金融2班 学 号 104172238 姓  名 汪思伊 日 期 2013年12月24日 Bank Letters Writing --Agency Relationship, Request for the Establishment of Agency Relationship Function of Bank Letter Bank letter is a way of communication related to business done in a written form. It is a means for views, ideas and information to be expressed between two parties. For example, sending letters or e-mails to your clients and business banks so that they will be well informed about any activities related to business. Bank letter includes feedback from members for their confirmation and reply which is kept in records by the company secretary. With the fast-paced development of economic integration, the international business cooperation is increasingly strengthened. After Chinas WTO entry, the countrys economic exchanges with other member states have become more frequent, the foreign trade and technical cooperation have developed rapidly. In the tendance of economic globalization, international trade is developing continuously. And the international bank letters are playing an important role in international payment and settlement, being the indispensable means of international financial exchanges. Almost all aspects of the exchanges conduct by bank letters, which conclude the establishment of the business relationship, closing a deal, the execution of contract and the execution of the contract disputes, etc. In the operating practices of international finance, the various aspects of exchanging bank letter constitute important legal bases. When disputes arise, extraordinary, bank letter possibly will affect the result. Internatioanl finance is increasingly relying on the document exchanging process. The central function of international bank letter has become more apparent. Ba


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