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MAN: Maybe youre on holiday. Maybe youre on a business trip. Maybe you missed the last train or the last flight. Thanks. Maybe youre getting married. Maybe you had a row with your wife or husband and they kicked you out. Chances are you might end up somewhere like this. Just sign there. £863? For two nights? Sir, the bill is fully itemised. Room charge, restaurant, bar, telephone, dry cleaning. How can you justify charging these prices? This is extortion. Okay, its gonna cost you an arm and a leg, and if this is your first visit, it may come as a bit of a shock, but what are you gonna get for your money? The best view. The best service. The finest ingredients. The utmost discretion. But thats not the whole picture. What youre really paying for is the opportunity to live out your wildest, darkest, craziest fantasies. To be, for maybe just a night or two, the person you really want to be. Im not paying it. Mr Austin, glad I caught you. Mrs Austin left some personal items in the room. Perhaps on your next visit, Mrs Austin can enjoy some complimentary sessions in our health and beauty spa. Whatever or whoever you want to be... Thank you. ...well look after you. What would you say your responsibilities would be if I gave you the job? Id say my number one responsibility as deputy manager would be to the guests, to ensure they have an enjoyable and relaxing stay. My job is to serve them, no matter how absurd, bizarre or perverse their requirements may be. (PAGER BEEPING) Oh, God. Sorry. Do you mind? I think I have all the necessary skills. Im organised, ambitious, and I just think the job will be more personally rewarding than working on reception. You said think twice. Is that a bad thing? Try using believe, as in, I believe your account is overdue, Mrs Akiko. Puts a more positive spin on things. Let me see. Did we find the finger? Okay, get him to a hospital. (PAGER BEEPING) You have all the attributes of a good receptionist. Youre polite, handsome,


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