自学英语 第4册_10433934.pdf

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【作 者】张道真编著【形态项】378【出版项】北京:社会科学文献出版社;社会科学文献音像出版社,2002.02【ISBN号】7-80149-653-1【中图法分类号】H31【原书定价】65.00【主题词】英语英语【参考文献格式】张道真编著.自学英语第4册.北京:社会科学文献出版社;社会科学文献音像出版社,2002.02.内容提要:本册共包括二十四课,积累5000多词汇,每课都有课文译文、课文注释、语法讲解、语音说明、练习答案等辅导材料。

封面页 书名页 版权页 前言页 目录页 Lesson 1: Text A: The Youngest Bank Robber Text B: A Robbery Conversation: A Robbery Grammar: The Past Paritciple 辅导材料 Lesson 2: Text A: Grace Darling Text B: florence nightingale Conversation: In the Hospital Grammar: Use of it Exercises (Use of it , translation C -E, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 3: Text A: The Letter Text B: The Story of Adam and Eve Conversation: American Holidays Grammar: Phrasal Verbs Exercises (Phrasal verbs, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 4: Text A: Angel Falls Text B: Crossing a Continent Conversation: At the Airport Grammar: Conditional Sentences (Ⅰ) Exercises (Conditional sentences, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 5: Text A: The Man Who Missed the Plane Text B: S Letter Conversation: Arriving in a New Country Grammar: Conditional Sentences (Ⅱ) Exercises (Conditional sentences, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 6: Text A: Exploring the Ocean Depth Text B: The Sea Conversation: Going to a Conference Grammar: Passive Infinitive Exercises (The infinitive, -tion, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 7: Text A: Skyscrapers Text B: Disneyland conversation: Nuclear Power Stations Grammar: Attributive Use of the Participle Exercises (Participles, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 8: Text A: Assassination of the Pope Text B: A Hijacking Conversation: At the Customs Grammar: Advervial Use of the Participle 辅导材料 Lesson 9: Text A: The Great Pyramid Text B: The Taj Mahal Conversation: At the Exhibition Grammar: Complex Object Exercises (Complex object,word study, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 10: Text A: Leonardo da Vinci Text B: Beethoven Conversation: An Art Exhibition Grammar: Elliptical Sentences Exercises (Ellipsis, word study, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 11: Text A: The Frech Revolution Text B: Napoleon Bon


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