自学英语 第3册_10433933.pdf

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【作 者】张道真编著【形态项】425【出版项】北京:社会科学文献出版社;社会科学文献音像出版社,2002.02【ISBN号】7-80149-652-3【中图法分类号】H31【原书定价】65.00【主题词】英语英语【参考文献格式】张道真编著.自学英语第3册.北京:社会科学文献出版社;社会科学文献音像出版社,2002.02.内容提要:本册共包括二十四课,包含1200多词汇,每课都有课文译文、课文注释、语法讲解、语音说明、练习答案等辅导材料。

封面页 书名页 版权页 前言页 目录页 Lesson 1: Text A: Paris Text B: New York City Conversation: At a Hotel Grammar: Attributive Clauses 辅导材料 Lesson 2: Text A: A Visit to London. Text B: A Vissit to Washington D.C. conversation: Driving Round Washington D.C. 辅导材料 Lesson 3: Text A: The English Language Text B: Two Languages Or One? Conversation: Oral Examination 辅导材料 Lesson 4: Text A: Our Memory Text B: Leaming a Language Conversation: English Studies Grammar: The Relative what 辅导材料 Lesson 5: Text A: A Wedding Text B: Attending a Wedding Conversation: Room -Hunting Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense Exercises (Tense, some verb patterns, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 6: Text A: A Bad Accident Text B: A Disaster Conversation: A Car Accident Grammar: The Present Participle 辅导材料 Lesson 7: Text A: The Great Fire of London Text B: A Fire Conversation: A Car Accident Exercises (Prepositions, because of, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 8: Text A: Clarissa Text B: Flying Conversation: On the Plane 辅导材料 Lesson 9: Text A: Hong Kong Text B: Macau Conversation: Sightseeing in Hong Kong 辅导材料 Lesson 10: Text A: The QE 2 Text B: The Hovercraft Conversation: On the Bus Grammar: Adverbial Modifiers Exercises (Sentence analysis, -ful, etc.) 辅导材料 Lesson 11: Text A: The British Museum Text B: In the Museum Conversation: In the British Museum Grammar; The Object 辅导材料 Lesson 12: Text A: Mr Walton s Diary Text B: Diary of Mary Brown Conversation: Keeping a Diary Grammar: The Subject 辅导材料 Lesson 13: Text A: Seeing a Doctor Text B: At the Doctor s Office Conversation: At the Doctor s Office Grammar: The Predicate 辅导材料 Lesson 14: Text A: Hollywood Text B: Marilyn Monroe Conversation: Seeing a


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