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NSABP乳腺癌系列临床试验回顾 NSABP乳腺癌系列临床试验回顾 National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project 美国国家外科辅助乳腺癌和大肠癌研究计划 NSABP国际性合作团体,成员包括美国、加拿大、波多黎各岛、澳大利亚等近200个医学中心 到2003年止有5000多名工作人员,包括医生、护士和其他专业技术人员 已经对乳腺癌、大肠癌进行了数十个大规模随机临床试验 是第一个对乳腺癌进行大规模临床试验的组织 NSABP乳腺癌系列临床试验回顾 总部设在宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡 主席办公室和运作中心设在Allegheny医院内 生物统计中心在匹兹堡大学内 基金来源于NCI,也接受其它来源资助作为研究、培训和教育项目之用 NSABP乳腺癌系列临床试验回顾 B4-B35 (breast)? P1 (Preventing) P2【STAR (the study of tamoxifen and raloxifene)】 C1-c7 (colon) R1-R3 (rectum) 网址 / eneral NSABP Information More Than 40 Years of Clinical Trial History??Contact the NSABP ??Pathology Section ??Future Meetings ??NSABP Newsletters Clinical Trials Information ?Clinical Trials Overview ??Protocol Chart Treatment Trials Information ?Protocol B-30 ??Protocol B-31 ??Protocol B-32 ??Protocol B-33 ??Protocol B-34 ??Protocol B-35 ??Protocol C-07 Prevention Trials Information ?STAR ?BCPT ??BreastCancerP Bibliography of Publications Related Web Sites bout the NSABP Web Site NSABP Members Area 1958--- The first patient was enrolled in the first randomized clinical trial undertaken by 23 researchers from participating sites throughout the United States. 1967— Dr. Bernard Fisher was appointed the chairman of the Surgical Adjuvant Chemotherapy Breast Project. No one could have foreseen the NSABP’s longevity and its impact on the treatment of breast cancer 1971--- Up until this time, doctors thought that breast cancer was a local disease that could only be treated with the complete removal of the breast, chest wall muscle, and underarm lymph nodes (radical mastectomy). Protocol B-04 was one of the first studies that challenged that idea 2003--- For more than 40 years, the NSABP has successfully designed and conducted large-scale randomized clinical trials in colorectal and breast cancers that has altered and improved the standard of care for men and women with these diseases. More than 5,000 physicians, nurses, and other


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