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电板使用说明书 SB Use SPE. DG/WD 1001/641-SM 本主配电板作34 米双螺旋桨拖轮全船输配电用。 The Main Switchboard is to be used for the power supply and distribution of the 34M Twin Screw TUG. 主电源为3 相,50 赫兹,400 伏,以三相三线制供电。 Normal supply system to be AC 400V, 3phase, 50HZ. 主电源通过400/230V 变压器供三相50 赫兹220 伏照明电网。 Lighting supply system to be AC220V, 3P, 50HZ powered by Normal supply system via a 400/230V transformer. 供电:Power supply 发电机选用2 台TFHX-120 型船用交流发电机120KW,400V,217A,50HZ,1500r/min, 由柴油机直接驱动。 Two main alternators of caterpillar TFHX-120,120KW, 400V, 217A, 50 cycles 1500RPM driven by diesels. 发电机发电正常时,在配电板红色指示灯亮,且电压表,频率表有工作指示。可通过发电机 电压调整电阻和调频电阻将发电机的电压和频率调整至400V ,50HZ。待发电机稳定后,可 将主开关合闸。此时,指示灯由红色转为绿色,表示主开关已合闸,向电网供电。指示仪表 即相应指示即 发电机供电的电压、电流、频率和功率。当单台发电机供电时,若其负载过 载5% (延时10 秒)的额定功率90KW 时,能自动卸去空调系统和电灶、热水器负荷,并 在主开关上方有红色指示灯亮,显示已进行自动卸载。 The red indicator on the main switchboard lights and the voltage meter and the frequency meter show working indication when generator working normally. The volt and frequency of the generator can be adj usted to 400 volts and 50 HZ by adj ustment of volt modulation resistance and frequency modulation resistance. The main breaker can be switched in when generators run stably and the indicator turn from red to green indicate the main breaker already closed and supplying power to electric network. The meters show the volts, amperes, frequency and watts. When the over-loading excess 5% to 10% (adj ustable) rated 120KW in case that one generator in working, the loading of air condition system and electrical stove 、water heater can be unload automatically, and the red indicator above the main breaker lights showing the unloading already carried out. 2 电板使用说明书 SB Use SPE. DG/WD 1001/641-


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