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第一章 P18 1) Comedy flourished in the 5th century B.C. 2) Aristophanes阿里斯托芬was the best representative of the Greek Comedy. 3) Aristophanes’ plays are loose in plot and satirical in tone. (批评了Socrates 苏格拉底in Clouds ;Euripides欧里庇得斯(希腊的悲剧诗人)in Frogs) 4) Aristophanes wrote mainly about nature. 5) Aristophanes greatly influenced the Lake poets in the English romanticism. 6) (一句话) what was the language style of Aristophanes? Coarse粗糙的language 7) Swift says of Aristophanes: as for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane is. History P18-19 Historical writing started early in Greece. (所谓的历史这里指的是世界历史) Herodotus(希腊的历史学家)希罗多德 is called “ Father of History”.(Herodotus’ historical position) Herodotus wrote about wars between Greeks and Persians.( 希波战争) 隶属于Peloponnesian wars伯罗奔尼撒战争史。 wars between Greeks and Persians 中的主要战役①Marathon ② Thermopylae 温泉关。 Herodotus wrote about many traditional stories, which were not always accurate. Thucydides修西得底斯 Thucydides wrote about wars between① Athens and Sparta ②Athens and Syracuse (a Greek state on the island of Sicily.(这些战役也隶属于Peloponnesian wars) 简答:What are the major differences between Herodotus and Thucydides as historians? Thucydides is more accurate than Herodotus as historians Thucydides traced events to their cause and brought about their effects. Thucydides’ historical position: “the greatest historian that ever lived” 同时代最伟大的历史学家 (Macaulay 麦考利的评价)。 Philosophy and science ☆ How did Greek philosophy originate and develop in the Ancient Greece? Stage one: three founders ⑴ Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯 三大思想: a) All things were numbers 一句话 b)Pythagoras was the founder of scientific mathematics 科学数学论 c) Pythagoras put forwards the first theory of proportion 黄金分割 ⑵Heracleitue 赫拉克利特 思想:a)Fire is the primary element of the universe 火是万物之源 b) All is flux(流动), nothing is stationary. c) Heracleitue held the theory of mingling of opposites 矛盾统一原理and believed that it was the strife between the opposites that produced harmony


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