Unit 12 Public Relations 经典广告学英语课件合集.ppt

Unit 12 Public Relations 经典广告学英语课件合集.ppt

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Unit 12 Public Relations 经典广告学英语课件合集

Unit 12 Public Relations What is “PR” Public Relations (PR) is the management function that focuses on the relationships and communications that individuals and organizations have with their constituent groups (called publics) for the purpose of creating mutual goodwill. Every company or organization has relationships with groups of people affected by its actions: employees, customers, stockholders, competitors, suppliers, legislators, or community people. ⊙ difference between Advertising and PR Advertising - reaches its audience through media for which the advertiser pays; advertising appears just as the advertiser designed it, with the advertisers bias built in. Knowing this, the public views ads with some skepticism. Public relations - is less precise and guaranteed than advertising because people receive public relations communications as new articles, editorial interviews, or feature stories after the messages have been edited - filtered -by the media. The public thinks PR comes from the medium and thus accepts and trusts PR more readily. Six primary objectives of PR 1. Promoting goodwill. This is an image-building function. Industry events or community activities that reflect favorably on a film are highlighted. ? 2. Promoting a product or service. Press release or events that increase public awareness of a firm’s brands can be pursued through public relations ⊙2003Mobius Award\SEA.AVI 3. Preparing internal communications. Disseminating information and correcting misinformation within a firm can reduce the impact of rumors and increase employee support. ⊙2003Mobius Award\WATER.AVI 4. Counteracting negative publicity. This is the damage control function, not attempting to cover up negative events, but trying to prevent the negative publicity from damaging the company/ brand image. ⊙ 5. Lobbying. It assists a firm in dealing with government officials and pending legislation. 6. Giving advice and counsel. Assisting management in determining what position


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