unit12。Christmas Lost andFound.ppt

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unit12。Christmas Lost andFound

bossy adj. offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power 专横的;爱指挥他人的 n. 母牛;牛犊 e.g. His bossy attitude aggravate me. 他的拔扈态度激怒了我。 boss n. 领导, 指挥 v. 指挥 wit n. mental ability e.g. They would overcome them with their wit. 他们将用智慧战胜这些困难。 witty adj. 诙谐的;富于机智的 (文中)bossy wit 爱指挥的机智 Then ,on his 26th Christmas ,he left us unexpectedly as he had come.He was killed in a car accident on an icy Denver street ,on his way home to his young wife and infant daughter.But first he had stopped by the family home to decorate our tree,a ritual he had never abandoned. Thank you! icy : 1) very cold 冰冷的 -- My feet were ~ cold. 2) covered with ice 结满冰的 -- ~ road 3) 冰冷的,冷峻的 --My eyes met his ~ gaze. n. iciness adv. icily 冷冰冰地 on ones / the /its way 1.即将去(或来) --Id better on my way soon . 2.在路上 --He stopped for the breakfast on the way . 他中途停下吃早点。 3.尚未出生的 --Theyve got three kids and one one the way. on the way out:1) 正要离开时 2)既要过时了 infant : n.婴儿 幼儿 新生儿(美) --Mozart was an infant prodigy.神童 4~7 儿童(英,澳) infantile :婴儿的 孩子气的 --~ jokes 幼稚的玩笑 infancy :婴儿期 初期 --a time when the cinema was still in its infancy. ritual n.1)程序 礼节 仪轨 2) 习惯 老规矩 --Sunday lunch with relatives has become something of a ritual. adv. ritually adj. ritualistic 老套的 仪式的 v. vitualize 使仪式化 abandon: 1) ~ sb. to sth.离弃 --The baby was abandoned by its mother. 2) ~ sth. to sb./sth.不得已而舍弃 --He gave the order to abandon ship. 3)中止 -- They had to ~ the match because of rain 4) ~yourself to sth.沉湎于(感情) --He ~ himself to despair. n.放任 放纵 Unit 12 Christmas Lost and Found Chistmas was a quiet affair when I was growing up.There were just my parents and me .I vowed that some day Id marry and have six children,and at Christmas my house would vibrate with energy and life and love. 译文 下一段 vibrate: 不及物动词 vi. 1. 颤动;振动;震动 Her lower lip vibrated. 她的下唇在抽


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