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本科学生学年论文 论文题目: 论善意取得 学 院: 法学院 年 级: 2008级 专 业: 法学专业 姓 名: 段红玉 学 号: 指导教师: 王春梅 2011年 12 月 4日 摘要 2007年我国新颁布实施的《中华人民共和国物权法》,对善意取得制度首次作了明确规定,弥补了我国法律上的空白,同时该制度也在保护交易安全、促进经济健康发展与维护社会稳定方面起到了不容忽视的作用。但我国立法规定并不完善、系统,在司法实践中也未得到规范落实,因此这一现实问题值得我们深刻反思。 全文共分五大部分,首先简要阐述善意取得制度的概念和发展历史。其次 ,主要罗列了对于该制度理论基础的几种学说,并在此表达了本人的看法及理由。第三部分介绍了当前我国关于善意取得制度的规定及现状,深入剖析了善意取得制度建立的价值和现实意义。最后两部分着重探讨了在司法实践适用该制度应注意的几个问题,并结合我国现状,为完善善意取得制度进行了全方位的考虑,并试着提出了一些粗浅的建议,以期在法律层面上得到落实与保障。 关键词 物权法;善意取得;第三人;无权处分; Abstract Our country is new 2007 promulgated the implementation of the peoples Republic of China Property Law for the first time, on the bona fide acquisition system made specific provision, made up of Chinas law on the blank, at the same time the system is to protect the safety of transactions, to promote the healthy development of the economy and maintain social stability plays a role that can not be ignored. But our legislation is not perfect, system, in the judicial practice has not been standardized implementation, so this one real problem deserves our reflection. The full text is divided into five parts, firstly introduces the system of bona fide acquisition of concept and history. Secondly, the main list for the system based on the theory of several theories, and then express my views and the reasons. The third part describes the current our country about the system of bona fide acquisition regulations and the present situation, in-depth analysis of the system of bona fide acquisition to build the value and practical significance. Finally the two part explores the application of this system in the judicial practice should pay attention to several problems, combined with the present situation of our country, to perfect the system of bona fide acquisition had all-around consideration, and try to put forward some suggestions, in order to the legal level of implementation and safeguard.


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