C语言程序设计课件(英文)C program language 之3 Inpu and Output.ppt

C语言程序设计课件(英文)C program language 之3 Inpu and Output.ppt

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C语言程序设计课件(英文)C program language 之3 Inpu and Output

Chapter Three * Inpu and Output Contents 1 Data output 2 Data input 3 Examples 4 Control flow--sequence Control flow---sequence A B Notes in sequence structure Declaration statements first ,then execution statements; Execution statements review: Assignment statement Compond statement expression statement Input /output function call statement Initialization : assign value while declaration; main( ) { int a; a=5; ….. } main( ) { int a=5; ….. } Data output Character input and output Formatted input and output Your programs will need to include the standard I/O header file so do: ???#include stdio.h Input and output are not part of the C There are a set of functions that provide input and output in standard library. Note Character output putchar(char variable) Format outputs a single character to screen. Role Only single character Result #includestdio.h Data output #includestdio.h main( ) { char c=‘a’; putchar( c); } Example main( ) { char c1,c2,c3; c1=‘a’;c2=‘b’;c3=‘c’; putchar(c1); putchar(c2); putchar(c3); } How many characters will be displayed ? How about their arrangement? Data output Data output Result Format Role Note Formatted output printf ( control string, argument list ) Output the variable’s value in the given format on screen No argument, only print out control string. printf(“Hello !”); Arguments including constants, variables, mathematical expressions Data output type conversion specifier. Control string: output float value in exponent form %e output float value in decimal form %f output unsign int value in decimal form %u output long int value in decimal form %ld: output int value in hexadecimal form %x output int value in octal form %o output int value in decimal form %d Output Format Data output the output width is m ,decimal part is n ,flush left %-m.nf the output width is m ,decimal part is n ,flush right %m.nf the output width is m ,flush left %-md t


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