八年级英语新目标上unit3 What are you doing for vacation_课件.ppt

八年级英语新目标上unit3 What are you doing for vacation_课件.ppt

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八年级英语新目标上unit3 What are you doing for vacation_课件

Unit 3 Where are you going for vacation? * Class 4, Grade 8 Revision 现在进行时的基本结构: be+ doing 3. I am swimming this weekend. 2. He is coming to China next month. 1. They are cleaning the classroom after school. 你知道现在进行时可以用来表达将来的活动吗? 2a. Listen what are the three people doing for vacation. Fill in the chart under “what”. Molly Susan visiting cousins Hector When What Who going to sports camp going to the beach 2b. Listen again, when are they going on vacation? Fill in the chart under “when”. Molly Susan visiting cousins Hector When What Who going to sports camp going to the beach on Friday on the 11th this weekend Group work 2c. What are you and your classmates doing for your next vacation? Ask and answer questions about your plans. Free conversations For example: What are you going for vacation? I am going to Qinhai lake. Who are you going with? I am going with my parents. 兴隆山 徐家山 西安 沙湖 麦积山 鸟岛 嘉峪关 铁桥 3a. Read the conversation then fill in the chart. Tony: What are you doing for vacation Lin Hui? Lin Hui: I’m going to Tibet for a week. Tony: That sounds interesting. What are you doing there? Lin Hui: I’m going hiking in the mountains. How about you Tony? What are you doing for vacation? Tony: I’m visiting my friend in Hong Kong. Lin Hui: Oh yeah? How long are you staying? Tony: Just for four days. I don’t like going away for too long. Lin Hui: Well, have a good time. Send me a post card from Hong Kong. Tony: Sure. Show me your photos when we get back to school. 3a. Read the conversation then fill in the chart. How long are they staying? Hong Kong Where are they going? Lin Hui Tony Tibet four days a week *


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