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Plato and Aristotle(4th Century BC)柏拉图和亚里士多德(第四世纪公元前)70P
阿拉伯人描绘的亚里士多德上课图 Aristotle Since he was perhaps the philosopher most respected by European thinkers during and after the Renaissance, these thinkers often took Aristotles erroneous positions as given, which held back science in this epoch. However, Aristotles scientific shortcomings should not mislead one into forgetting his great advances in the many scientific fields. For instance, he founded logic as a formal science and created foundations to biology that were not superseded for two millennia. Moreover, he introduced the fundamental notion that nature is composed of things that change and that studying such changes can provide useful knowledge of underlying constants. Aristotle 亚里士多德对世界的贡献之大,令人震惊。他至少撰写了170种著作,其 中流传下来的有47种。当然,仅以数字衡量是远远不够的,更为重要的是他渊博的学识令人折服。他的科学著作,在那个年代简直就是一本百科全书,内容涉及天文学、动物学、胚胎学、地理学、地质学、物理学、解剖学、生理学,总之,涉及古希腊人已知和各个学科。他的著作包含三个方面:一是前人的知识积累,二是助手们为他所作的调查与发现,三是他自己独立的见解。 Aristotle Quotes All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. Education is the best provision for the journey to old age. Law is mind without reason. Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. With regard to excellence, it is not enough to know, but we must try to have and use it. Aristotle Quotes It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen. One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy. The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law. Aristotle Quotes To perceive is to suffer. (感知即痛苦 ) Man perfected by society is the best of all animals; he is the most terrible of all when he lives without law, and without justice. A flatterer is a friend who is your inferior, or pretends to be so. A friend is a second self. Aristotle Quotes All virtue is summed up in dealing justly. Liars when they speak the truth are not believed. To the query, What is a friend? his reply was A single soul dwelling in two bodies. To the query
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