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Intelligent parking system
The basic concepts of the parking reservation system and parking revenue management system are discussed in this paper. The proposed intelligent’’ parking space inventory control system that is based on a combination of fuzzy logic and integer programming techniques makes ‘‘on line’’ decisions whether to accept or reject a new drivers request for parking. In the ?rst step of the proposed model, the best parking strategies are developed for many different patterns of vehicle arrivals. These parking strategies are developed using integer programming approach. In the second step, learn-ing from the best strategies, speci?c rules are de?ned. The uniqueness of the proposed approach is that the rules are derived from the set of chosen examples assuming that the future traffic arrival patterns are known. The results were found to be close to the best solution assuming that the future arrival pattern is known.
Keywords: Traffic; Uncertainty modeling; Control; Parking; Fuzzy logic
Every day a signi?cant percentage of drivers in single-occupancy vehicles search for a parking space. Additionally, less experienced drivers or out-of-towners further contribute to the increase of traffic congestion. Search for a vacant parking space is a typical example of a search process. Every parking search strategy is composed of a set of vague rules. It is usually difficult to describe these rules explicitly. The type of the planned activity, time of a day, day of the week, current congestion on particular routes, knowledge of city streets, and potentially available parking places have signi?cant in?uence on a chosen parking search strategy. During the last four decades numerous parking search models have been developed (Vander Goot, 1982; Axhausen and Polak, 1991; Polak and Axhausen, 1990; Young et al., 1991a,b; saltzman, 1997; Shoup, 1997; Steiner, 1998; Thompson and Richardson, 1998; Arnott and
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