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The Comparison and Appreciation of Chinese Translated Versions of The Happy Prince Content Abstract Some famous quotations of Wilde’s I have nothing to declare except my genius. Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her. One should always be in love. That is the reason why one should never marry. Art is the most intense form of individualism that the world has known. The Three Translations Ba Jin’s Career as a Translator and Writer Ba Jin is a prolific writer as well as a productive translator, the latter of which, however, is not so that widely known by the readers as the former is. Ba Jin is the rare translator who devoted a lot to the translation of children’s literature.These translations not only are valuable for children, but also are useful for the writers of children’s literature. Analysis 1 * The Abstract the Introduction of the Author Oscar Wilde the Introduction of The Happy Prince the Introduction of the Translators the Comparison of the three Chinese Translations the conclusion 随着翻译文化学派的兴起,翻译研究开始更多地关注翻译行为产生 的外部环境。勒弗维尔认为对文学翻译的研究主要是一种社会性与 历史性的研究,研究者的注意力不应该放在字、词的匹配上,而应 该考虑译者为何选择这样的匹配方式,其背后隐藏的社会的、文学 的与意识形态的因素。 本文拟通过对周作人,巴金和高延征的《快乐王子》( Happy Prince) 的三个不同时期的中译本的比较,探讨不同译者在特定社会历史文化语境下,尤其是在意识形态影响力下所做出的不同的翻译选择。 关键词:《快乐王子》中译本,特定的历史文化背景,翻译目的, Oscar Wilde - playwright, novelist, poet, critic Born: October 16, 1854 Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland Died: November 30, 1900 in Paris, France (cerebral meningitis) Oscar Wilde, Irish-born writer known for his wry wit, was the chief advocate of the aesthetic movement based on the principle of art for arts sake (Lart pour lart). He was one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London and one of the greatest celebrities of his days. Wilde is regarded as one of the most proficient and versatile writers of the English language. Brief Introduction of Oscar Wilde The Happy Prince and Oth


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