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菲迪克百年工程项目奖中国获奖项目系列介绍 二滩水电站 获得菲迪克百年工程项目奖提名 项目所在地:攀枝花 项目用途:工程以发电为主,兼有防洪度汛、养殖等综合利用效益 竣工年份:2000年 申报单位(按申报时所列单位):四川二滩国际工程咨询有限责任公司 项目业主:二滩水电开发有限责任公司 项目介绍 1、二滩水电站应该获奖理由如下: (1)二滩水电站以发电为主,坝高240m,为双曲薄拱坝,多年平均发电量为170亿度电,相当每年节省燃煤800万吨,二滩水电站建成投产,标志着中国从主要依赖不可再生能源为主,逐渐向清洁和可再生能源发展方向; (2)二滩水电站建设历时11年,采用国际招投标,前后约40个国家参与建设,高峰期参与建设人员达5000人左右; (3)大坝安全运行14年,累计发电量达1798亿千瓦时; (4) 14年来,移民安居乐业,生活稳定,生活水平得到极大提高, 主要表现在交通、饮用水、住房、就业、教育、医疗保障等各个方面; (5)二滩电站建成后,改变了攀枝花的电源结构(原来以火电为主),同时,二滩电站58亿方的水库,使该地区雨量增加,空气湿度增加,雨量由原700多毫米增加到800~900毫米,环境明显改善。 2、二滩水电站国际认可情况: 二滩水电站是二十世纪,中国利用世界银行贷款最多的项目,同时进行了国际招投标,主要承包商有英波吉罗—中国水电八局(EJV)、中德联营体(SGEJV),工程完工后,分别得到国际大坝委员会第十四届主席、第十五届主席、第十六届主席题词和祝贺,分别如下: I will always remember the first meeting of the Special Board of Consultants in 1986, when the Ertan site was still in the natural beauty . The challenge was to build one of the largest arch dam in the world, together with an unprecedented underground powerhouse. Thanks to the will and skill of the Chinese engineers and workers the scheme eventually took shape and is going to produce its first power in July 1998. I must confess that I am proud to have best associated with this outstanding achievement. Preur Londe( the Chairman of the 14th Session of International Commission.) I was very proud having been a member of the Special Board of Consultants and having given a contribution to the outstanding Ertan Hydropower Project. I present my warmest congratulations to all the parties involved in the project for this great advancement and with the best for the future of Hydropower in China. 济瓦尔.隆巴弟 (the Chairman of the 15th Session of International Commission) Dedication of the first unit at Ertan culminates in decades of devoted work from planning thru construction an unit installation. Ertan will play a prominent role in providing China and especially Sichuan Province with a much needed supply of energy in the years to come. Everyone involved is to be congratulated with this significant achievement. With bes


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