
声光双控LED节能灯 毕业论文.doc

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(2011届) 毕业设计(论文) 声光双控LED节能灯 学 院、系: 电子信息工程学院 专 业: 电子技术 学 生 姓 名: 杨想想 班 级: 08电管(6)班 学 号 2085020653 指导教师姓名: 常永财 职称 班主任 最终评定成绩 2010 年 9 月 摘 要 “绿色照明”是20世纪90年代初提出的照明领域的新方针。现在,在各种公共场所各种灯的应用也逐渐增多,在我们日常生活中各种灯的应用量的加大,用电量也慢慢加大。比如说在楼道里,如果灯一直都亮着,就会造成不必要的浪费。所以设计一种亮度高又节能的灯是一件很有意义的事。 随着科学技术的发展,半导体材料及工艺技术的进步。LED作为新型光源,具有寿命长、节能、安全、绿色环保、色彩丰富等显著优点。LED光源应用非常灵活,可以做成各种形式的小产品,而且控制极为方便。LED节能灯是用高亮度白色发光二极管发光源,ABSTRACT Green light in the early 20th century 90 lighting proposed new approach. Now, all lights in a variety of applications in public places is gradually increasing, in our daily life application of various light amount of the increase, consumption slowly increased. For example, in the corridor, if the lamp has been lit, it will cause unnecessary waste. So to design a high brightness and energy-efficient lighting is one of great significance. With the development of science and technology, semiconductor materials and process technology. As a new type of LED light source, with a long life, energy saving, safety, green environment, rich colors, and other significant advantages. LED light source application is very flexible and can be made into various forms of small products, and control is extremely convenient. LED energy-saving lamps is to use high-brightness white LED light source, and the sound and light control can be achieved using a number of unnecessary waste, sound and light control is achieved using photosensitive resistance. When the photosensitive resistance will slowly off the backlight. Some can be achieved through the voice circuit, that is, when the book was issued through the footsteps, or to control the sound can be slapped in the bright lights off. This can save unnecessar


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