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《网络与信息安全技术》课程报告 课题名称: 网络嗅探器 提交报告时间:2010年12月17日 各成员的工作量划分表 网络嗅探器 专业 组号 指导老师 [摘要] 随着网络技术的飞速发展,网络安全问题越来越被人重视。嗅探技术作为网络安全攻防中最基础的技术,既可以用于获取网络中传输的大量敏感信息,也可以用于网络管理。通过获取网络数据包的流向和内容等信息,可以进行网络安全分析和网络威胁应对。因此对网络嗅探器的研究具有重要意义。 本课程设计通过分析网络上常用的嗅探器软件,在了解其功能和原理的基础上,以VC为开发平台,使用Windows环境下的网络数据包捕获开发库WinPcap,按照软件工程的思想进行设计并实现了一个网络嗅探工具。该嗅探工具的总体架构划分为5部分,分别是最底层的数据缓存和数据访问,中间层的数据捕获,协议过滤,协议分析和最顶层的图形画用户界面。 本嗅探器工具完成了数据包捕获及分析,协议过滤的主要功能,实现了对网络协议,源IP地址,目标IP地址及端口号等信息的显示,使得程序能够比较全面地分析出相关信息以供用户参考决策。 关键词:网络嗅探;WinPcap编程接口;数据包;网络协议;多线程 (中文摘要在150字左右。摘要正文尽量用纯文字叙述。用五号宋体字。姓名与摘要正文之间空二行。关键词与摘要之间不空行。“摘要”这两个字加粗) 关键词:入侵检测系统;感应器;分析器;分布式入侵检测系统模型Network sniffer Major: software engineering Group Number: 29 [Abstract] With the rapid development of network technology, network security is increasingly being attention. Sniffing network security technology as the most basic offensive and defensive techniques, both used to obtain a large number of network transmission of sensitive information can also be used for network management. Access to network packets through the flow and content and other information, can be network security threat analysis and response networks. Therefore, the network sniffer is of great significance. The course is designed by analyzing the commonly used network sniffer software, to understand the functions and principles, based on the VC as a development platform, using the Windows environment, the development of network packet capture library WinPcap, according to software engineering design And implementation of a network sniffer tool. The overall structure of the sniffer is divided into five parts, namely, the bottom of the data caching and data access, middle layer of the data capture, protocol filtering, protocol analysis and top graphic art user interface. The completed tool sniffer packet capture and analysis of data, protocol filtering of the main functions, the realization of network protocol, source IP address, destination IP address and port number and other i


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