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Midnight’s Children Main points Reception Characters Plots Theme Reception The Booker Prize in 1981;(布克奖,英国文学最高奖项) The English Speaking Union Literary Award;(英国国家联合会文学奖) The James Tait Prize;(詹姆斯·泰德·布莱克纪念奖) The Booker of Bookers;(特别布克奖,为纪念此奖设置25周年) The Best of The Booker prize twice, in 1993 and 2008 《纽约书评》称它是“这一代人英语世界出版的最重要的书籍之一”。 《伦敦书评》认为它是“印度对英语小说最新最出色的贡献”。 《泰晤士报》有人撰文说“自从阅读过《百年孤独》以来,还从来没其他小说像它这样令人惊叹。” Themes Magic Realism 魔幻现实主义 既有离奇幻想的意境,又有现实主义的情节和场面,人鬼难分,幻觉和现实相混。从而创造出一种魔幻和现实融为一体、“魔幻”而不失其真实的独特风格。 从本质上说,魔幻现实主义所要表现的并不是魔幻,而是现实。“魔幻”只是手法,反映“现实”才是目的。在魔幻现实主义中,作者的根本目的是借助魔幻表现现实,而不是把魔幻当成现实来表现。 Bildungsroman A novel describing the development of a character, usually a young person, from adolescence to maturity as he or she faces various moral or intellectual crisis. It is frequently an autobiography. 彭天扬Characters Plots At midnight on Aug.15.1947, 2 boys are born in a Bombay hospital, where they are switched by a nurse. Around that time, a thousand children were born and they are the “midnight children.” Saleem Sinai Shiva telepathic powers An enormous and constantly dripping nose with an extremely sensitive sense of smell Powerful knees Saleem Sinai The protagonist and narrator; Create the Midnight’s Children’s Conference; As he approaches his thirty-first birthday, he says he is nearing death; The prime minister of India seeks to destroy him along with the other midnight’s children. Shiva Saleem’s rival and counterpart a gifted warrior; The alternate side of India: poor, Hindu, and as aggressive as Saleem is passive. The Midnight’s Children’s Conference, where all the midnight’s children can meet and talk in Saleem’s mind. It is an epitome of modern Indian society. After returning to Bombay, Saleem took an operation which doctor clear out his nasal passages, the result of which is the lose of ability to read minds. plots In 1965, the war between India and Pakistan; Saleem’s family members are killed by a bomb; Saleem joins the Pakistan army


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